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Community Rating: 4.025 / 5  (200 votes)
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Got a question. If Im controlling more than one desecration demon, how many demons get tapped if my opponent sacrifice a creature? Is it one creature = tapping one demon or one creature tapping all the demons? Thanks.
Posted By: BenL (10/12/2012 9:58:20 PM)


Would this be considered an activated ability? Namely, could I block it out with Pithing Needle? Or is this a triggered ability (it doesn't have the "cost:effect" format)
Posted By: tlud27 (10/13/2012 10:43:43 AM)


I give this card 5 stars, 4 mana for a 6/6 flying body? tap ability isnt really a drawback if you're using UB control decks with tragic slip or unsummon. two of these on board is killing spree.
Posted By: amielzki (10/14/2012 3:31:10 PM)


@A.Minor I'd rather have this and constantly feed on my opponent's creatures.
but that's just me I suppose.
Posted By: infinimyr (10/17/2012 9:41:38 AM)


If, for example, you had two Desecration Demons in play, at the beginning of each combat step, each Demon's ability would activate separately. In order for your opponent to tap both of them, they would have to sacrifice two creatures; one after the other, rather than at the same time.

No, Desecration Demon's ability is a triggered ability. It triggers at the beginning of each combat step, so Pithing Needle would have no effect on the Demon.

Love this guy. Look at it this way: For four mana, you get a big ol' 6/6 flyer. Then, he either swings big or acts as a repeated source of removal, not to mention the constant growing threat of +1/+1 counters. If he's not dealt with in a couple of turns, he can take a game over for you. Especially with Corpsejack Menace out, where your opponent's sacrifice/allow-the-attack decisions are really magnified.

IN FACT, Desecration Demon and Rakdos, Lord of Riots are the only 4 cmc 6/6 or... (see all)
Posted By: ThinkOriginal (10/17/2012 10:59:42 AM)


Pulled one of these, super excited to put it in my Jarad Token Sac deck. Even if he doesn't successfully swing, he forces opponents to clear their battlefields more. And if your opponent doesn't have an answer for him by the time they run out of creatures to sac, they don't have very many options.
Posted By: Wurmcaller (10/19/2012 9:30:24 PM)


4 mana for a 6/6 flyer is good in of itself.

The ability, isn't a drawback, unless you happen to be against a token generator type of thing that has junk to sack to it...i'm seriously on the fence about adding this into my mono black EDH.
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (10/23/2012 7:04:52 AM)


I would like to point out that the sacrifice trigger happens exactly once at the start of combat. If you untap him in some artificial manner afterwards (but before you declare attackers), I believe he can still swing.
Posted By: LordRandomness (10/25/2012 3:08:14 AM)


I can't be sure whether people actually think this isn't an amazing card or if they're just giving it bad ratings because it's such a stupidly overpowered card and they don't want anyone using it. It's mindboggling that this is rated comparably to Seraph of Dawn and Serra Angel.

In the absolute worst case scenario, your opponent will get rid of it with Path to Exile or Doom Blade, but then they'll have one less removal spell to deal with the Phyrexian Obliterator that you're going to play next turn. Oh wait, that's a *** card too because it dies to removal.
Posted By: ThePieManOfDeath (10/29/2012 3:02:00 PM)


I love how the 'drawback' to this guy being a 6/6 flier for 4 is effectively repeatable removal and permanent pump. Sure, if you get matched up against some sort of token deck and can't keep their swarming in check they can effectively nullify your creature, but against most decks it's more upside than downside.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (11/25/2012 9:44:33 AM)


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