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I love the flavor here. "We must make a blood sacrifice to the demon to keep it at bay!" Of course, why do you think he wants all those sacrifices? Because they make him stronger!

Of course, his downside is only an upside when your opponent makes the wrong choice; this is the case with any downside that gives your opponent a choice.
Posted By: Zetan (11/30/2012 5:32:49 PM)


He's holding a disembodied head
Posted By: shotoku64 (12/22/2012 4:03:45 PM)


Crap, this is so evil. In mono-black control, his drawback helps you to control your opponent even more.

But it's a beautiful card. Beginners might see it as a bad rare because of his "drawback", but more experienced player might be able to take advantage of it.
Posted By: Anzu-chan (12/24/2012 8:01:40 PM)



No, this guy's ability is a triggered ability and not an activated ability. Opponents can still sac creatures to tap him down even if you are using Angel of Jubilation.
Posted By: CJM2 (12/28/2012 6:12:53 PM)


4/5. A bomb in both limited and constructed.
Posted By: chrome_dome (1/12/2013 10:10:17 PM)


There is nothing stopping you.
In reference to the question I believe you are asking (snarkiness aside), there is absolutely no interaction between Angel of Jubilation and Desecration Demon, barring any interference from other cards, of course. The Angel stops players from paying life or sacrificing creatures to cast spells or activate abilities. The Demon has a triggered ability that goes on the stack at the beginning of combat.

Activated =\= Triggered.
If you do not know the difference, activated abilities have the format:
(Cost: Effect)
Posted By: strider24seven (1/27/2013 2:03:54 PM)


People who are saying this card is ungodly good are idiots yes it's technically a 6/6 flyer for 4 but in practice there's no where he's really great either he'll eat a few lingering souls why your opponents stabilizes or the Aggro player will sac gravecrawler and hit you for lethal
In aggressive decks you falkenrath aristocrat which is better (it would take demon 3 turns on the field to deal the same amount of damage)
And in control decks you don't want none flash creatures that don't give you value when they die.
The only use I've ever seen him is as fling/ essence harvest/ disciple of bolas fodder
I like his design as a card but I don't think he's competitive worthy in any deck just due to the prevalence of both lingering souls and decks that are fat enough they don't care
Posted By: Trollking21 (1/31/2013 8:44:48 PM)


Sooo good! If you can drop him early and whittle their creatures down with other removal then he's a beast. Great if you have a couple Skirsdag High Priests out too.
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (2/12/2013 1:32:27 PM)


This guy makes Burst of strength very playable.

They sack a dork, you Burst and attack with an even bigger 8/8.
Posted By: oberonice (2/16/2013 6:59:18 AM)


Ok so this card is fantastic. You either get a 6/6 flier for 4 or you get a repeated Diabolic Edict that if interrupted allows for massive damage. Unless your opponent is running tokens then nobody is usually going to sacrifice things to this and if they do then Illness in the Ranks, Mutilate and Killing Wave are all in colour.

If it really comes down to it, there's always Fling =)
Posted By: MightySqueeth (3/1/2013 5:59:03 AM)


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