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Community Rating: 4.059 / 5  (178 votes)
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*cough*Fathom Mage*cough*
Posted By: count_dorku (4/15/2013 2:40:40 PM)


I love this card. a 5/5 for 4 mana, plus scavenge. Also, the promo version of this card is GORGEOUS
Posted By: angrybob4213 (4/29/2013 7:47:18 AM)


@wideyes Don't be such a drama queen; the power level of this card, especially considering the fact that its deep in GREEN (which is the color most representative of having efficient P/T), is nowhere near the level of Baneslayer.
Posted By: naxxcr (11/6/2013 12:16:16 PM)


First of all, this is 4 cmc for a 5/5 with no negative ability
Then, it fits with golgari so you may be able to get it back once it dies or scavenge for 6 to put 5 +1/+1 counters on another creature
I can't see how one could not love this card
Posted By: Miklzry (9/25/2012 6:17:05 PM)


It's Juzám Beetle!

Very efficient cost, lacking only trample or some other form of evasion (but hey, you're playing Green). And the Scavenge cost is one of the more reasonable ones. And it's a giant rhinoceros beetle with mushrooms growing on it. It's beautiful.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (9/26/2012 1:06:00 PM)


I am just not smiling at all about them obsoleting Imperiosaur.
Posted By: lorendorky (9/25/2012 11:50:10 PM)


This is just a cool card. It's a giant beetle!
Posted By: 1337vanguard (9/26/2012 9:28:53 PM)


Everybody do the power creep!
Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (9/29/2012 10:48:36 AM)


Deadbridge is one of the most efficient green creatures in standard right now, staged right between the meta warping with Thragtusk and the Naya aggro staple Flinthoof Boar. Though Jund can do better four two colorless and a double color (eg. Desecration Demon), Deadbridge gives Naya aggro decks an incredibly efficient beatdown tool that works very well with Ghor-Clan Rampager and Legion Loyalist. I'm very much a fan.
Posted By: GhostCounselor (5/14/2013 8:49:03 AM)


@wideyes let me sum up what you just said:

"Wah, wahhhh! Wizards actually listened to people other than me on what they want from their cards! I don't like it! Wah, wahhh!"

Honestly I hate it when people complain about how the game has changed. So what? A new group of people play it. Like it or get out.
Posted By: atemu1234 (5/28/2013 2:31:18 PM)


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