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I don't understand why Wizards made so many anti-Snapcaster cards in this set. It makes it look like Snapcaster was an even bigger design mistake than it is.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (9/26/2012 9:57:15 PM)


There's so much about this card, it's unbelievable. Elite Vanguard was already one of the best one-cast soldiers out there. In many decks, this will become the new default choice. This is also green's first 2/1 for 1 with no drawbacks (usually). Absolutely amazing.
Posted By: RealmRPGer (9/26/2012 9:01:06 AM)


One of the best uncommons I've seen in a looong time. 2/1 for 1 hybrid mana is good on its own, but add in her ability and bam! It doesn't hurt that the art is absolutely beautiful.
Posted By: Mowagh (9/27/2012 6:33:29 AM)


Dear Snapcaster Mage,

U mad?

Dryad Militant
Posted By: ThouMad (9/27/2012 11:37:55 PM)


I understand trying to stop Snapcaster, i get that. But with all the other "hate" for snapcaster in ROR why dont they actually find a stopper for Delver. Lets face it, that has been the go to blue card.

Even if you were to say they are as "Good as" eachother, why only snap caster that gets hate, why not delver?
Posted By: Merlin117 (10/3/2012 3:21:02 AM)


This is one of the best 1 mana drop creatures, IMO. My personal favorite. Very good against Toshiro Umezawa, or Dralnu, Lich Lord decks, but also still great in general. Only complain I have is that she doesn´t have forestwalk. I think every dryad should have forestwalk, since it´s not really the most useful ability anyway. Apart from this it´s perfect.

Also magnificient art by Terese Nielsen again. Terese Nielsen and Rebecca Guay are really my favorite MTG artists. I really hope wizards make more awesome dryads like this in the future, until I finally can play a decent dryad tribal edh deck.

Posted By: Sootoo (10/7/2012 3:03:02 PM)


Strictly better than Elite Vanguard.
Posted By: General_Naga (9/26/2012 3:50:13 PM)


Dear Players:

Dredge was the most B.S. thing to happen since ever, Storm is not as broken as Dredge.

We are revisiting Golgari, and Orzhov is a graveyard-themed guild, and Innistrad Block just happened, AND Dimir is a mill-themed guild. And Self-Mill/Reanimator is...."not bad in Vintage" because of Ichorid. So we have every reason to do this:

Crypt Keeper, Curse of Oblivion, Dissipate, Graveyard Shovel, Gruesome Encore, Memory's Journey, Purify the Grave, Sever the Bloodline, Shimian Specter, Tormod's Crypt, Grafdigger's Cage, Thraben Heretic, Vile Rebirth, Worldfire, Dryad Militant, Cremate, Ash Zealot, autoca... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/30/2012 1:15:37 PM)


Not strictly better than Elite Vanguard. Not even better, period, just different (albeit more powerful).

* Vanguard is a human, Militant is a dryad. Humans have more tribal support.
* Vanguard is monowhite, Militant is GreenWhite. This is a mixed blessing since not only does it have all the benefits of being both Green and White it also has some downsides (hello Mirran Crusader). While making it more splashable in regular magic, it is less so in EDH, which may be a big deal to some.
* Vanguard is vanilla, Militant is graveyard hate. Notably, it hates on your graveyard too, which means it has anti-synergy with flashback and Snapcaster.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (9/26/2012 9:58:42 PM)


Kills snapcaster and reanimator. Reanimator will never flashback an unburial rights again.
Posted By: heavyterror (9/27/2012 10:25:19 PM)


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