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Community Rating: 4.361 / 5  (162 votes)
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It's not actually strictly better than anything, since it also prevents you from abusing your own graveyard. If you weren't planning on doing that anyway, though...
Posted By: sonorhC (1/5/2013 1:41:03 PM)


Fellow G/W Players, play this card w/ Thalia, Guardian of Thraben to beat reanimator it (Exiles Unburial Rites & Dread Return) and past in flames, this combo is also good against Lingering Souls which is actually a bit of a problem card for mono-green. Making Lingering souls never flash back seems like a major tempo boost and a must answer. Any control deck that likes to use cards like think twice will have a significantly harder time digging as well. People seriously underestimate the power of mainboardable cards like this. This is where our sideboard cards should be. Elegant, Simple, not impossible to deal with, but, most importantly hits something against more then one match-up. Also, it trades with all the crazy 2 toughness creatures in the format (that don't have first strike). I.E. Geist of Saint Traft, n... (see all)
Posted By: Ligerman30 (1/8/2013 7:29:06 PM)


I certainly hope they dial back the power creep a bit, or games are going to be so fast, control won't be able to ever keep up. Of course, this could be exactly what they want.
Posted By: Nagoragama (2/4/2013 10:33:05 PM)


@ Continue

edit: What the frig, this is hardly seeing play in sideboards, and pretty much none at all in maindecks. Is there something bad about a flexible 2/1 for 1 with upside other than the fact that it's a removal magnet?

There are better choices for maindeck. Champion of the Parish can quickly get bigger than a 2/1, Avacyn's Pilgrim/Arbor Elf provides ramp, and Doomed Traveler is resistant to removal. These abilities, especially in the right decks, are more useful than what often amounts to a vanilla 2/1.

As for sideboard, here's the issue: Dryad Militant only stops flashback (and the occasional Runechanter's Pike). It does nothing against undying or Gravecrawler and while it does weaken Unburial Rites, it can't stop it from being hardcast. Cards like Grafdigger's Cage and Rest In Peace, on the other hand, stop flashback, undying, and reanimation (Rest In Peace also snares Rancor). If you're preparing graveyard hate, why play a card that only protects you against some of... (see all)
Posted By: Lord_Seth_02 (3/14/2013 7:16:00 PM)


This looks so fantastic in foil.
Posted By: ElCarl (5/5/2013 8:58:35 AM)


It's a soldier, has a flexible mana cost, hates on powerful things in modern and legacy, as well as Vintage (yawgwin).

Great with Thalia in white weenie. Unfortunately in many decks it competes with other outstanding 1-drops, such as Mother of Runes or Devoted Caretaker in Legacy Death and Taxes decks, or with soldiers with neat abilities (doomed traveler, deftblade elite, boros elite, etc..)
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/10/2013 9:07:27 AM)


2/1 for a one drop at common with an amazing upside against reanimator? This guy would be good even if he was two mana.

Posted By: Tamerlein (7/22/2013 7:10:13 PM)


Amusing with Traumatize.
Posted By: trope (8/10/2013 9:49:59 PM)


If this card will not see Standard competitive play after Theros , IMMA BE ***ED!!!
Posted By: yeti3000 (9/13/2013 11:24:10 AM)


Amazing art, and the value of this uncommon has already been pointed out, but dang this card almost comes off as too much for a 1 cmc.
Posted By: Sneetches (1/3/2014 9:32:53 AM)


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