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4 Mana and can't be countered.. I can't think of a better target than Jace The Mind Sculptor
Posted By: lostprophet912 (5/24/2013 9:12:55 AM)


I just love reverberating this. My friends have gotten too comfortable running decks that solely rely on playsets of one, maybe two, cards. Nothing is better than exiling my friends playsets of Consuming Aberration, Blightsteel Colossus, or Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.

Let the games begin...
Posted By: RamenAwesome (5/30/2013 3:54:03 PM)


"So, Which deck are you playing with?"

"Oh, this is just my Relentless Rats de-

"Slaughter Games , I name Relentless Rats. "

And that's how I got my black eye.
Posted By: Smokey790 (6/1/2013 10:34:38 PM)


Posted By: WolfWhoWalks (6/10/2013 8:19:26 PM)


Ruin izzet players decks naming Nivix Cyclops - Did it to someone and he scooped immediately.
Posted By: senken12 (7/19/2013 12:54:21 AM)


Gonna start sideboarding this card just in case anyone actually runs a shoadowborn apostle/demon deck.
Posted By: maxmwb (7/25/2013 12:46:46 AM)


@infernox10: Hey, they used your line in the Card of the Day today! Why no credit given where credit is due? :(

Posted By: Leshrac_Nightwalker (7/26/2013 1:13:53 PM)


Those Boros Reckoner infinite-life decks are the main thing I face where I'd want to use this. There are some other cards *cough* Thragtusk *cough* that I'd love to get rid of like this, too.
Posted By: WindMasterArceus (7/28/2013 8:21:32 AM)


I'm not a huge fan of this card as I was on the receiving end of it during one tournament. Twice. It's really difficult to play around unless your deck isn't reliant on synergy or combos (and 4-ofs), and the ways of dealing with it (apart from another Slaughter Games) don't see a ton of play in Standard or rotate out soon (Nevermore, Redirect, Witchbane Orb).

But, as a reminder (which I gave to the guy who hit me with it twice), if you forget to pull the card out of any zone, it stays there. When he went for the second Slaughter Games to go through my library a second time, he was about to remove one of the cards he missed the first time until I stated that the card specifically says "any", not "all". Still lost, though.
Posted By: Toquinha1977 (8/16/2013 10:11:24 AM)


This and Shadowborn Apostle are both in Standard.

What a time to be alive.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (9/28/2013 1:41:59 PM)


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