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Community Rating: 4.549 / 5  (102 votes)
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Perhaps they thought at the time that people might care about the colour-change ability? Anyway, this is one of the greatest creatures of all time. If the opponent thinks "Oh, it's two damage, and he won't want to part with his hand this early in the game" and let it through, they will be shocked by the flood of Basking Rootwallas, Arrogant Wurms, and Flashback cards that pour from your hand onto the battlefield and into the graveyard, as well as by the fact that they take about 10 damage. The best part is that if they know what to expect, it doesn't help. 5/5
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (2/23/2010 4:50:14 PM)


Best two-drop ever, still. Tarmogoyf cries itself to sleep over pictures of the doggy.
Posted By: stygimoloch (12/2/2008 6:01:54 AM)


Very sweet 2 drop. i wish he was still in extended.
Posted By: Ace_Rimmer (12/21/2008 10:45:32 PM)


One of the best green creatures ever. All HAIL Mongrel !
Posted By: True_Smog (10/24/2009 9:54:11 AM)


wild mongrel might just be the reason (along with psychatog) we'll never see a manaless discard pump ability ever again.
Posted By: ultratog1028 (7/28/2009 11:14:49 AM)


am i the only one who's exicited that the doggy is coming to Garruk vs. Lillana
Posted By: Wolf-blood (10/19/2009 5:25:00 PM)


Definitely one of the best two-drops out there. Situationally better than ''goyf, and easier for the casual crowd to find. Wild Mongrel, can you go all the way? Yes, yes you can.
Posted By: Hawk_man (12/4/2008 9:43:50 PM)


Has anyone mentioned Dredge yet?
Posted By: XTwistedsoulX (5/20/2010 11:42:12 PM)


(Incoming Mythic Rare rant)

@TDL: Yeah.
And then Wizards came up Mythic Rares, an in my opinion bad concept that was realized in an even worse way.
Initially intended to mark the very unique rares, and instead brought up staple cards like Lotus Cobra or Mox Opal as (vital) mana accel, Warren Instigator as the new Goblin Lackey in Standard, Walletslayer and Batterskull as superior beaters, the Mirrodin Swords (Sword of X and Y) for your weenies or pretty much any other creature, and Jace 2.0 or various other Planeswalkers that are almost mandatory if you play their colors.

Those are cards for the early and mid-game that are just better than comparable cards just because of their mythic status, which is pretty much the opposite purpose of what rarity is for.
The M... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (9/5/2011 7:32:44 AM)


Posted By: OutlawD1 (9/18/2009 5:20:08 PM)


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