Fog has gone through a lot of re-wordings. Here, in Mirage, we find a simple, elegant approach that doesn't use any of the damage prevention machinery in the card's current Oracle wording. It's interesting, I sort of prefer this wording: "creatures deal no combat damage this turn." Flavorwise, I think it fits casting a magical fog over the battlefield and everyone getting lost in it than does the idea of preventing the damage, typically represented as healing. Creatures and effects that negate damage prevention, e.g. Flaring Pain, Excruciator, Skullcrack, are depicted as being especially painful or violent so as to inflict wounds that resist traditional healing. It's not clear why any of that would get around a dense blanket of even non-magical fog -- you can't crack someone's skull if you can't find them.

So, I just think it's interesting that Fog now prevents damage when originally it didn't. I feel like this chang... (see all)