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Community Rating: 3.674 / 5  (72 votes)
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The hybrid mana makes this card extremely versatile. The white enables a human deck, and the black vamps/zombies. Or you can run both! Solid card, 4/5
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (2/10/2013 8:46:58 AM)


Rest in Peace obviously didn't read the fine print well enough.
Posted By: Stuflames (2/14/2013 11:47:00 AM)


Will be a very awesome card when you play it against Dimir.
Posted By: Ike38 (3/5/2013 8:42:16 PM)


Doesn't this work around Ground Seal because it doesn't play the creatures. And doesn't target...
Posted By: forgetremembering (4/2/2013 9:44:21 PM)


Something about those Black White hybrid mana makes me happy.

Edit: One of the few cards to put into a Shadowborn Apostle Deck that isn't the shadowborns or the demons they summon.
Posted By: Purplerooster (4/13/2013 3:34:49 PM)


Awesome for weeny decks! just paying 2 or 3 into this can bring your vanquished army back for round two which depending on how much steam your opponent has left, might be just enough to finish the game. I use it in a deck built around 2 cmc stuff and on average this thing can bring 3 or 4 exalted creatures back to get that final blow off. Its flexible and powerful and a nice surprise to pull off, no one ever see's it coming! 4/5.
Posted By: Spockawitz92Y (4/15/2013 1:12:30 PM)


This was made for countering board wipe for white weenie or to just get your steam back in general.

The black divided thingies are to decieve you and/or have you throw it in a black mill deck.

I think it's pretty versatile. At first I didn't like it but now I'm kind of fond of it.
Posted By: Hercynian (6/5/2013 8:23:59 PM)


Blood artist
Suture priest
Genesis Chamber
Posted By: felipe_ferreira (9/23/2013 3:55:21 PM)


A heavy handed aggro deck casting loads of 1 and 2 drops can make good use of this. A splash of red for nothing but Goblin Guides, Vexing Devils, Guul Draz Vampires, and similar could easily pose a problem even for some legacy decks.
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/13/2014 9:29:41 AM)


Remember how the Zuberas were better when they died together? Some Allies prefer to arrive as a group. For 2WhiteWhiteWhite, returning a handful of Ondu Clerics and Halimar Excavators can be pretty strong.

Patriarch's Bidding is another good option.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (5/26/2014 10:32:25 PM)


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