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Pssh, everyone has missed the REALLY good combo with this guy.
1) Boros Charm to make him indestructible...
2) Deal him 1 damage. He proceeds to deal 1 damage to himself, which allows him to deal 1 damage to himself, which allows him to deal 1 damage to himself, which (get on with it!)
3) Enchanted by Druid's Call

Posted By: Emcee117 (2/8/2013 12:56:49 PM)


If you use Azorius Charm and Boros Charm on him when someone Searing Spears him, you get infinite life, and deal something three damage.
Posted By: Subtle_Kay (2/8/2013 10:59:05 PM)


I underestimated this guy soooo much when he was first spoiled. Now I'm sure he's a better Boros creature than Frontline Medic, and certainly harder to hate. My only complaint (and it's a tiny, little one) is that he doesn't fit very well into Boros Human decks that run off of Cavern of Souls. But those decks have so many other tools, it's probably more fair that they miss out on one of the guild's best creatures ever.
Posted By: Avensai (2/9/2013 12:32:01 AM)


1. Proc Frontline Medic's Battalion with Boros Reckoner on the field.
2. Play Blasphemous Act
Posted By: Starshayd (2/12/2013 3:05:03 PM)


Keep it two colors and win the game, this linked to Nearheath Pilgrim Activate Vizkopa Guildmage and cast Rootborn Defenses
Posted By: richardshort (2/13/2013 7:24:10 AM)


He's the most expensive card in the set for a reason... Give him lifelink and indestructible and you've got infinite life next time he takes damage. He can deal the damage to himself which activates the ability again (and again and again and again). Heck, if you have a Vizkopa Guildmage in play, you win! Not that having infinite life wasn't enough to get everyone to rage quit anyway...
Posted By: Jojabi (2/13/2013 5:58:45 PM)


@Yozuck: It's perfect with him, though. You have the ability to save him by utilizing first strike if you want, or you can just let him eat the damage to then redirect it somewhere else. I figured that was relatively straight-forward.

But, yeah, as has been said, Reckoner + Boros Charm + Gift of Orzhova + Vizkopa Guildmage is the unlimited combo in this current set. Not the most reliable unlimited combo because there are so many cards involved, but still doable and each of these cards even without the rest is good on it's own.
Posted By: SRSFACE (2/14/2013 12:24:39 PM)


Want to pull off that infinite life combo but don't want to splash blue for Azorius Charm? Swift Justice
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (2/16/2013 8:39:27 AM)


Currently the fifth-best minotaur on Gatherer, with Lord of Shatterskull Pass holding the coveted top rank.

I posit that our friend the reckoner here is better, as he requires a lot less support to be good. The lord requires such an investment of mana that you really need to protect him if you want to rely on his effect, whereas Monsieur Reckoner immediately has an impact, and most of the time he really hurts your opponent by dying.

I can see why Tanhgarth still outranks him, though.
Posted By: Enemy_Tricolor (2/16/2013 12:42:10 PM)


Loved this little gem during the prerelease.
I'll never forget using the +3/+0 ability of Martial Glory on their chump blocker while boosting him with the +0/+3
Posted By: Rootkit9208 (2/18/2013 9:44:44 PM)


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