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Community Rating: 4.050 / 5  (191 votes)
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I was up 20 to 9 against somebody, he threw this out then Cryptic Command next turn, tapped all my creatures, played two more spells, and had milled me enough just with this card to kill me in one turn. A little overpowered?! You don't even need mill to have this be effective.
Posted By: dhinge (2/27/2013 7:18:33 PM)


The first ability is enough to make this an above-par card, but that second ability? Probably why it's the highest rated nonland card in the set (as of when I write this comment)
Posted By: 100 (3/20/2013 7:18:57 PM)


Nemesis of Reason?

your big brother is calling.
Posted By: ziggefranz (7/10/2013 8:22:37 AM)


Phenax, God of Deception and this is just a broken mess.
Posted By: dlsampson (1/28/2014 3:41:09 PM)


Have this with a gravecrawler and a Grimgrin for instant win
Posted By: Westertin (5/7/2013 8:33:02 PM)


What!!!! its not rated 5 stars.For real is anybody reading this card? It says whenever you cast a spell,not when you cast a blue spell,not when you cast a black spell "Whenever" i think this card is awesome an for under $2 you cant beat that well worth the mulla,this card will deff be going up inn price mark these words lol.
Posted By: Nasferot2 (6/3/2013 6:57:35 PM)


"NOM NOM NOM NOM!" ~ Lazav
Posted By: Kaleidostorm (6/14/2013 10:09:14 AM)


For our kitchen top games, he is often +20/+20 for 5 mana. That right there is enough to hose my GreenRed deck which consists of fight cards and burn removal.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/17/2013 4:51:16 PM)


About to explode. With this guy and Phenax on the field, you can be doubling his power every turn without them having any way to respond.
Posted By: Sucal (1/21/2014 6:22:46 AM)


This card upsets my friends so much, here's a few little nasty combos i've found -
Artful Dodge unblockable and everyone mills a land, for 1 Mana then flashback if you want :)

Essence Harvest gain life and kill someone for 3.

Altar Of Dementia Mill someone for 2.

Tempt with Reflections stuff gets really out of hand here.

Phenax, God of Deception The missing link to being perfect.
Posted By: Jumpernot (3/14/2014 3:15:59 AM)


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