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I can't die happy until I ramp into this t5 following a t4 Obzedat, Ghost Council at FNM.

Thragtusk is undoubtedly better for this, but I really want the challenge.
Then I'll take that janky deck apart and try something a little less flashy.
Posted By: drpvfx (1/23/2013 9:45:11 AM)


More UG legends please.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (1/23/2013 9:50:51 AM)


With the amount of card advantage she generates alongside another blink-loving target (Thragtusk, of course), I'd be quite surprised if she doesn't see some sort of play - probably in a bant mid range deck. Just getting her out is enough, but if she sticks for more than that turn, your Cloudshift/Ghostly Flicker/Restoration Angel is going to have a field day. "Yo dawg, I heard you like card advantage".
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (1/24/2013 4:04:22 AM)


If you don't have any other creatures in play.....she's basically an Elvish Visionary.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/24/2013 10:02:14 AM)


Guys, guys guys, don't think Thragtusk, think of Wolfir Silverheart. Just stack the triggers, it's a minimum 10/10 draw 10.
Oh, do have fun.
Posted By: PonchoGrande (1/24/2013 1:32:56 PM)


Ok, so she's a lionfish, but she doesn't have deathtouch? Boo. Anyway, every Jonnie's dream girl.
Posted By: blindthrall (1/25/2013 2:38:17 PM)


She seems kind of generic to me. All she does is +1/+1 counters and draw a lot of cards. Could have been a lot more unique for the guildleader of one of the more Johnny-ish guilds.
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/26/2013 10:54:46 PM)


Wouldn't this be awesome with Corpsejack Menace if you just splashed some black in your Simic deck?!
Posted By: Alfen (1/27/2013 11:19:52 AM)


A perfect representative of BlueGreen. You get a big creature (Green) and oodles of card draw (Blue). If she had flash or hexproof or drew cards every time she dealt combat damage, she's have the intersection of the colors too (although arguably card draw applies to both as well). And unlike the other Simic-colored legendaries, she plays very well without support in a goodstuff deck. Who doesn't want to draw cards? Try copying her with The Mimeoplasm for laughs.

Besides, that's a fantastic design. She looks appropriately regal with those lionfish elements. One of my favorite cards from Gatecrash.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (1/27/2013 9:39:27 PM)


Great commander.
Posted By: wholelottalove (1/29/2013 9:48:03 AM)


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