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"Statistically, if I play enough Limited events, I will eventually open four Biovisionarys and four of these. And it will be glorious"

Well, not really.
Firstly, I don't know what Limited Event you are playing where you get to open 8 packs. But even if you did a sealed tournament where you get 8 packs, with the odds of a particular rare at 2/121 per pack, you'd have a ((2/121)^8)(8!/4!4!) or (2.246...)x(10)^(-10) chance of getting 4 of both rares. That means you'd have to do 10 billion tournaments and you'd still have this happen less than three times on average.
Since nowhere near this many packs are printed, and you would have nowhere near enough time to finish this many tournaments, we can correctly say that even if you play enough Limited events, you will not eventually open four Biovisionarys and four of these.
Though it would have been glorious.
Posted By: marmaris74 (1/22/2013 7:33:02 PM)


I have a soft spot for clone cards. And this one is no exception. I am going to use this. I don't know what deck yet but it will be used.
Posted By: Yozuk (1/24/2013 4:25:21 PM)


Artorias of the Abyss.

Cipher on this card is going to make some interesting things happen in EDH.
Posted By: EmptyMirage (1/25/2013 5:49:48 AM)


Conveniently cost one more to cast than Thragtusk.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/25/2013 11:12:58 AM)


This must go on Adenophage. Say hello to giant bug world!
Posted By: blindthrall (1/25/2013 3:53:29 PM)


if you use Stolen Identity to make a copy of a creature that has a cipher already on it- let's say 'last thoughts'- does the cipher also get copied?
Posted By: oxyopian (1/26/2013 10:40:25 AM)


No, its just making a clone of the creature, not the things "attached" to it. Same reason it wouldn't copy counters or enchantments and such.

As for the actual card, played correctly its essentially a double clone one turn, and even more if you don't get stopped! I love it.
Posted By: cotf1692 (1/27/2013 12:36:12 AM)


One of the more abusable Cipher cards. 4/5
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/27/2013 10:14:03 AM)


I won my first game at the prerelease just by casting this on Daring Skyjek, one of 4 cards I was splashing white for in my Dimir deck. I encoded this card onto Metropolis Sprite. Every flier counts in limited, right?

By the way, smarties: You can encode the token.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (1/27/2013 10:41:33 PM)


I populate my Wafaring Temple.
Posted By: HotHit (1/28/2013 2:33:43 AM)


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