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wtf, this card is insane! This does nearly everything an aggro player wants. That verdict just became a lot less supreme. Best charm ever made.
Posted By: Sironos (1/25/2013 6:11:25 AM)


Wow. Double Cleave, but with two other options stapled on, essentially. Extremely powerful card. I'm going to love using this in my WUR Kiln Fiend deck. I'll be stockpiling these suckers every chance I get.
Posted By: Nucleon (1/25/2013 12:48:33 PM)


Choose 1: Better than Flame Rift, One-turn Avacyn effect, or Double Cleave
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/25/2013 5:12:50 PM)


On three occasions at the pre-release, I topdecked this and won by casting it. Amazing spell.
Posted By: James_Kernaghan (1/27/2013 4:16:57 AM)


Three amazing options, yet never a dead card. Most of the charms have options that have the power of CMC 1 spells, but all three of these are easily at least on the power of CMC 2-- more damage than Lava Spike and at instant speed, Double Cleave (a CMC 2 spell) and potentially another nice combat trick that can be doubled by saving your PERMANENTS from most board wipes. This doesn't really need to be said, but Boros Charm is incredibly powerful, and I love it.
Posted By: Keiya (1/27/2013 7:15:44 AM)


Its funny how people will sometimes waste this card by giving double strike to an unblocked creature with power less than 4.
Posted By: FurnaceOfRath (1/27/2013 7:52:58 AM)


Each ability on its own is worth 2 CMC normally, but all together it gives it great versatility.
Posted By: Professor_Superman (1/28/2013 9:17:03 AM)


Seems like a good card for limited....
Posted By: DwightHoward (1/30/2013 10:16:59 PM)


Heeeeey look!! It's the BEASTY version of a Care Bear! Will this come in Plush?? Oh I hope!
Posted By: Mike-C (2/4/2013 5:41:21 AM)


The only real downside to this charm is that it loses a lot of its power on the defense. Not to say it becomes a bad card, but I prefer Selesnya Charm because I find it more versatile, even if it is a little less explosive than this one. That said, every R/W should play 4. Two combat tricks that work great for R/W, plus a fireblast to the head, for only 2 mana this gets a lot of damage in
Posted By: shotoku64 (2/4/2013 5:34:25 PM)


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