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the le reddit r/mtg army and its leejun loves this card! 5 stars if you agree!
Posted By: hot4boys (1/22/2013 10:55:37 PM)


With the new legendary rule, Aurelia here goes infinite with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker.
1. Attack
2. Use Kikki's effect to clone her in response to her untap trigger
3. Send the old Aurelia to the graveyard
4. Go to your next combat phase
5. Repeat

However, you do need at least one more creature or something like Purphopros, God of the Forge, since dying as a state-based action means she never actually gets to deal any damage. However, I'd like to see someone build a deck around this in Modern.

EDIT: Dammit Kiki, why do you specify non-legendary creature? I'm gonna leave this post as a reminder to myself to read the card before i post.
Posted By: Kelptic183 (10/7/2013 9:26:02 PM)


Why are people so excited about this card? It doesn't do anything. Getting an extra combat phase means they get to block twice as well. The only way this effect is beneficial is if you have better creatures, you have more creatures, or they have no creatures. In any of those cases - congratulations. You were already winning the game, you didn't need to spend six mana and a card to do nothing.

Not to mention the fact that the body is just not good enough for its cost.
Posted By: aaronk1994MTG (1/29/2013 1:09:58 PM)


Splash Blue, encode Stolen Identity onto Invisible Stalker. Swing, create a copy of Aurelia, killing the orginal. Swing with the copy (and the stalker). Create another copy, killing the first copy. Repeat until your oppononent dies.

Great, it's not in effect yet, and the new legendary rule is already broken.
Posted By: ProfCharles (6/7/2013 3:31:32 AM)


My brother never beats me, but with this he did. I just got owned. I took it out of the deck he was using and put it in my deck.
Posted By: thatguy293 (3/20/2013 12:29:53 PM)


@Asmodi0000 No you can't infinite combat her because it says "the first time she attacks this turn you get another combat phase." People need to read cards a bit more here.
Posted By: RetroGamer3 (10/4/2013 10:35:26 AM)


In response to your Aurelia's first attack phase attack I blink Stonehorn Dignitary. This would also be great to borrow with Zealous Cons cri pts
Posted By: TowerDefender (10/12/2013 11:12:31 AM)


Is it a coincident that she and Iroas, God of Victory combine the damage to 20 for two combats? I think she will rock once JOU is out. Will see in tons of Standard tournaments.
Posted By: Ike38 (4/8/2014 7:20:44 AM)


Screams to be abused with Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Vanguard of Brimaz or Young Pyromancer. Thank Iroas that she costs {2} more than the other Guild Leaders.
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (5/4/2014 12:29:57 PM)


Reanimator just got a new fun toy.
Posted By: rollinsclone (1/23/2013 9:19:56 PM)


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