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Community Rating: 2.875 / 5  (40 votes)
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This is not better or worse thatn divination, save for context. I have a deck that has 37 instants and sorceries. This card is far better than divination and has never "failed" in playtesting so far. In decks with few instants or sorceries you would obviously not run this.

Comparing it to Augur of Bolas is only semi-valid. There are trad-offs. With Augur, you can never get more than one card and only search the top 3. Plus, multiple Augurs can get in each others way so to speak, as seeing a second one when playing the first is a dead choice. Uncovered clues can net you up to two cards (and should never net you less than one... if you are, you are not running it in the correct deck...) and seeing a second copy in its pull is actually an option that can be taken. The Augur might be better in a lot of cases versus aggro simply for the body as a chump blocker, but that is a narrow application.

In summary, this is a good card. Trying to fit it in every deck and saying it doesn'... (see all)
Posted By: MechanicalVolition (5/3/2013 11:12:11 AM)


Little did the guilds know, the Implicit Maze's only weakness was a small (but very windy) thermal exhaust port leading to the central chamber.
Posted By: SpaceMagic (5/5/2013 7:30:05 PM)


Not being instant really ruined this card's potential for greatness. But I guess control probably didn't need this right now.
Posted By: EternalPhi (5/9/2013 4:43:57 PM)


Mechanical has the idea here. This isn't like Augur in that you can run it with a 20-20-20 deck. To make the most of this card, you really need to have at least half your deck be instants or sorceries.

Note I'm not saying a 20-20-20 deck is ideal, but in general, if you don't really have that many instants/sorceries, Augur is better because you only need to hit one in three, instead of trying to hit two in four.

Currently playtesting it in a deck that's nearly standard-legal (and could certainly be made better, but it's not for competition, so I don't entirely care) and I play 20 lands, 11 creatures, and 29 instants and sorceries. I'm usually seeing 2 targets, sometimes 1, sometimes 3, but I've never "whiffed" on it. It's certainly possible, but when you run about half instants/sorceries, it won't happen often.

In short, if you're unimpressed, play it in a deck with more instants/sorceries and less creatures. If you're playing at least 30 instants/sorceries and still not finding thi... (see all)
Posted By: Habreno (5/10/2013 12:54:20 AM)


I definitely give the card 4.5 because it will lower the card number of the deck to 59 (affecting all probabilities) and give you a crucial boost in case you're running out of cards or if you're in trouble. This card is most powerful used once. If there would be an option to put cards on top, it would be a five. Some might give it a 4 but the avg is definitely not there where I believe it will be after a certain playing routine.
Posted By: epicPlain (5/16/2013 2:18:44 PM)


We just figured out Blue's clues, we just figured out Blue's clues. We Just figured out Blue's clues, cause we're really smart.
Posted By: Chocl8215 (6/22/2013 9:08:04 AM)


I run a control build with 24 lands, 2 Jace, Memory Adept, 4 Elixir Of Immortality, and 30 instants/sorceries.

This card is such an engine in a deck like that; it'll hit a drawable card 50% of the time, and every time you use an elixir, you put all those instants and sorceries back into the deck with the lands weeded out.

Not being an instant is a bit of a pain in a control build, but c'mon people, it's a common after all.

Pauper players appreciate slightly-underpowered stuff like this.
Posted By: Ataraxiom (7/26/2013 7:59:10 PM)


Posted By: car2n (5/9/2014 2:45:34 PM)


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