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this card is gonna confuse at least half the magic players I know. instead of giving the land haste, they should've just put reminder text about summoning sickness.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (7/9/2013 11:09:29 PM)


I find this very reminiscent of the zendikons from the worldwake set.
Posted By: Shadowcaster3975 (7/10/2013 2:54:18 AM)


so pretty much 7/7 haste for 1RedRedRedRed, unless you don't mind the mountain being tapped out.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/10/2013 5:03:30 AM)


They probably gave this haste because if it didn't, if you played the mountain that same turn, it can't attack or tap, but if you played the mountain last turn, it can attack and tap, which is difficult for new players to understand
Posted By: Superllama12 (7/10/2013 7:42:30 AM)


Gives red wonderful resilience. Awesome. Wish Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle was a mountain. That would be too epic.
Posted By: KvotheBloodless (7/10/2013 9:45:38 PM)


that kind of mountain stumbles over a squirrel.
Posted By: chainsmoker (7/11/2013 12:00:04 AM)


Hello Mountain. Meet my Murder
Posted By: Dalkri (7/11/2013 6:36:30 AM)


@Ferlord Rain is filtering down through his handsome volcano rocks!
Posted By: dingophone (7/11/2013 10:08:05 PM)


I'm kinda sick of hearing everyone say that it makes your land vulnerable to Doom Blade and Murder and whatever else. Yeah, so what? I guess all those manlands (Blinkmoth Nexus, Mutavault, Inkmoth Nexus, etc.) were all bad because they could be destroyed too? Because based on their price tags and continued play, I'd have to disagree.

I'm not saying this card doesn't have its downsides; it's probably strictly limited to very specific aggro decks, but dropping a 7/7 turn four is nothing to scoff at, especially when you consider that it's so easy to pair up with a Rancor or a Legion Loyalist to give it trample. Sure, it's probably strictly limited to RDW and Gruul (maybe Boros depending on the build), but honestly, how can you complain about swinging for 7 turn five guaranteed?
Posted By: TheWaddleDeeKing (7/11/2013 10:16:25 PM)


I think the man lands are valuable because when one plays one as his land for the turn, he is also getting for free an uncounterable creature that he can still use to cast another spell at no tempo loss. Creature gets killed? He loses a land. This enchantment is counterable, and can be two-for'd.
Posted By: nirvava (7/11/2013 11:18:27 PM)


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