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Amazing in EDH:
- low cost, even after 3 hardcasts he is affordable and by that time you will win anyway
- the right colors, you get wipers and counterspells, as well as any utility you need (way to many to list here) to sneak few swords. Plus reanimation, etc.
- evasion, better than anything else, as 2/3s are rarely seen in EDH, while 2/2, 1/1s, etc are rarely expendable.
- life gain, huge as you get to pick from the usually high cost stuff in someone's deck.
- steals good stuff, you will never forget if he steals a sword or a whispesilk cloak.

Already the best UW commander.
Posted By: geniusloci (11/29/2013 3:49:00 AM)


It's pretty cool how this guy nails down the feel of Theros's "assistance of the gods" idea without actually having any of the keywords. On his own he'll run into a bear and flop dead, but give him some extra P/T or some evasion and suddenly he becomes a powerhouse like no other. Ran him in a WU draft last night. There's nothing quite like using griptide on a big bomb the turn before you swing in with him.
Posted By: Lancer873 (11/30/2013 12:04:27 PM)


In limited, this combos nicely with Griptide If you want to know what's on top of your opponent's library. Decent way to be sure to hit, get the life, and either as removal or a control magic if you have the mana (more easily doable if you can Griptide on the end of your opponent's turn)
Posted By: kittendaddy (12/18/2013 11:27:12 AM)


@MisterAction: The CompRules have been changed now, so that the "commander tax" applies to all players who cast him.

Posted By: syrazemyla (1/28/2014 9:11:19 PM)


I pulled this dude from a booster, and immediately dropped him into my Derevi EDH deck. Maybe not game-breaking-ly powerful, but really fun.

Turn 3: Daxos
Turn 4: Pass, use Derevi's last ability to flash her in and tap a would be attacker/blocker.
Turn 5: Cast whatever, swing with Daxos and Derevi, untap a couple mana sources (bounce lands or Basalt Monolith, anyone?) and cast their shtuff.

Try it once or twice, and try not to smile like a moron. I dare you.
Posted By: Phaeoxen (2/3/2014 12:02:33 AM)


I'm amazed no one is mentioning how good he becomes with Enchants... Following the theme much like Bruna and the ilk.

"Can't be blocked by creatures with power 3 or greater"

Well then, slap a simple +2/+2 on him or something, and you pretty much force your opponent to do 2 for 1, 3 for 1, trades. Or just let him through for a ton.
(Granted, he still dies to removal, so doom blade etc :P). But with how many amazing protective Aura/Enchant cards W/U have access too, he'd be laughing! And at such a cheap cost I wouldn't even mind if he dies once or twice in Commander, still cheaper!
Posted By: TopHatCat (2/7/2014 2:12:55 PM)


So good. EDH POWER.
Posted By: evanfeldman100 (2/24/2014 4:40:01 PM)


@syrazemyla - Interestingly, though, that article fails to point out that under the revised rules, you only pay commander tax for each time you have cast that commander from the command zone.

Which is relevant if you've managed to steal the same commander multiple times during the same game, but no where near as much of a nerf as it sounds like.
Posted By: Cyber_Squirrel (3/21/2014 2:10:39 PM)


Doran, the Siege Tower trolls this guy.
Posted By: Taudisban (4/5/2014 6:39:01 AM)


Go home Daxos! You're drunk!
Posted By: CrimsonBehelit (4/14/2014 12:09:22 AM)


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