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Community Rating: 3.726 / 5  (104 votes)
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The best general in all of Theros, better than any of the gods

The gods might be more powerful, but they are less flexible and more of a target. Daxos, on the other hand, is good enough to be a serious contender, but not so good that he paints a target on your forehead. The life gain is neat and there are about a billion different ways to build a deck around him. My current build seeks to deny draws and take the best spells my opponent has right out of their deck. I run a stone blade engine to back him up (dat flavor) so he can swing without any problems.

As for colors, this is probably one of the strongest color combos in EDH. For 3-color you are looking at BUG, RUG, and Junk as the best 3 based on results (though RUG is most likely due to Maelstrom Wanderer being prevalent). White is fantastic for the removal it has, so much board wipe. Blue is the best color anyway. He's an awesome 2-color aggro commander and so incredibly flavourful.

4.5/5 for flavor, syne... (see all)
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (5/12/2014 2:08:56 PM)


Great fun with Lantern of Insight
Posted By: Tribor (5/19/2014 10:06:48 AM)


t3 drop daxos
t4 drop a ocular halo, swing with daxos.
t5 give daxos vigilance, swing, then at end of opponent's turn, tap to draw a card.
Rinse and repeat, casting their cards. Add Call to Serve for additional evasion, and guaranteed survival against any 2/* that block him, barring deathtouch.
Posted By: Metallix203 (5/20/2014 5:26:07 PM)


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