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Community Rating: 3.852 / 5  (88 votes)
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Lots of fun with Oona, Queen of the Fae

Assuming you have no other Faeries out, milling 7 creatures is enough to completely deck an opponent, and each time you activate the ability, you get a bigger return the next time. once these two are out it'll be a pretty straight forward win in a free for all, and you'll get to see every body starting to hate on the mono-players.
Posted By: orisiti (12/28/2011 12:21:05 PM)


As if there weren't enough reasons to love Mycoloth already....
Posted By: DarkbladeWraith (2/28/2012 8:09:33 AM)


Note that whenever a creature ETB under your opponents control, if you control creatures w/ it's type, you get to add mana! That's one of my favorite parts about this card. That, and the fact that it just screams PLEASE GO INFINITE!!!
Posted By: channelblaze (9/22/2010 8:52:22 PM)


I think it's safe to say that this card is made of pure sex, and should be a staple for a lot of tribes.

Especially Slivers.

There is a RIDICULOUS amount of stuff you can pull off with "Queen Echoes" (as I call it), Heart Sliver (for a select few), and 1 single Sliver:

Need more life? Darkheart Sliver. Now you have ∞ Life.
Need to draw more? Mnemonic Sliver. Now you can draw for free until you want to stop.
Need to tap everything all opponents have? Telekinetic Sliver. Now they can't even get mana from lands.
Need to destroy everything all opponents have? Necrotic Sliver. Now no one has a field but you.
Need to make every opponent discard their entire hand? Mindwhip Sliver. Now no one has a hand but you.
Need to burn everything to the ground? Acidic Sliver. Now everyone is at 0 but you.
Need to mill everyone? Screeching Sliver. Now end yo... (see all)
Posted By: Piconoe (3/25/2012 2:01:43 AM)


Not infinite, but powerful ramp engine with Ant Queen.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (5/18/2013 12:44:04 PM)


I love this card for the hilarity it creates in tribal decks.

@Rasel - Actually, if there are no other eldrazi spawn on the table, casting Skittering Invasion you get 25 mana - 5 instances of 5 mana. The rulings say that you count the creature itself. So you've spent 7, got a net gain of 18 in the pool & 5 stored on the table.

However for real giggles, you go Turn 2 Nest Invader, Turn 3 Awakening Zone, Turn 4 Mana Echoes, Turn 5 Cryptic Gateway, tap 2 eldrazi spawn, put some eldrazi drones into play, then use them to put spawnsire of Ulamog into play, use its 4 mana ability to put 2 spawn into play, get more mana than you used, repeat until you have as many tokens as you want, then use the 20 mana ability to wish in any eldrazi you want & go nuts.

There are few things as hilarious as watching the 6 other people you're playing realize that 2 eldrazi spawn & 2 obscure onslaught ca... (see all)
Posted By: Andrew7588 (4/28/2010 12:54:28 PM)


Army of the Damned generates 169 mana. Minimum.
Posted By: LordRandomness (5/27/2013 3:25:43 AM)


First thing that came to mind is to combine this with Mishra, Artificer Prodigy and start playing Memnites and Phyrexian Walkers since they're both Constructs.
Posted By: MithosFall (9/6/2012 5:12:36 PM)


hey, im thinking of building a red blue deck with mana echoes and pentavus/myr matrix + fireball. however, i would like to be able to search for mana echoes in case i dont draw it quickly in the beginning, anyone have any idea how i could do this?
Posted By: GanonDarkLord (3/3/2010 10:26:35 PM)


apparently nobody knows math. when the first creature enters the battlefield that is one mana, when the second creature enters the battlefield that is two more mana for a total of three. when the third creature enters the battlefield that is three more mana for a total of six.
this is called a geometric series. completly different than polynomial function like x^2. the actual formula is (n+1)*n/2 where n is the total number of creatures that entered the battlefield that shared a creature type assuming there were none to begin with. To figure out how many you get if there are already creatures on the battlefield that share creature types with it as it enters the battlefield, then you use the same formula with n being the final number of creatures sharing a creature type then subtract the number from the formula with n being the starting number of creatures sharing the same creature type.


with f being final and s being in... (see all)
Posted By: pyroMTG (11/10/2013 2:38:17 AM)


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