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Community Rating: 0.864 / 5  (242 votes)
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Even the artist couldn't figure out a way to paint so it didn't look like the guy was doing something stupid. He's releasing an octopus-monster from some kind of stone prison. Good job idiot.
Posted By: EGarrett01 (2/15/2013 9:16:35 AM)



Much better to wait your opponent to pay the morph cost and then play fatal mutation on the creature... anyway, this pitiful combo is double colour, costs 3. Like a very sucky Diabolic Edict, Deathmark, Doom Blade, Lightning Bolt, etc. Anyhow, even Fatal Mutation is a sideboard at best.
Posted By: Carnophage_4ever (8/11/2010 7:55:46 PM)


So how will this work with the new double sided cards in innistrad? Could this finally have a use now?
Posted By: JudgeDoom (8/28/2011 9:20:29 AM)


The lowest rated card on Gatherer, definitely a contender for the worst card ever. Only possible use could be to kill an opponent's Blistering Firecat, or something like that.
Posted By: busdude (3/16/2011 3:18:28 PM)


would you believe it if i said that in the same old packs booster draft i got this and ember shot and my friend got storm crow?
Posted By: Yoktes (3/21/2011 5:11:08 PM)


This is broken. Krosan cloudskraper. Oh, wait, it's not target player...
Posted By: land_comment (3/25/2011 7:40:27 AM)


the best part about such cards are the hilarious comments
Posted By: Imperialstonedragon (3/27/2011 8:22:00 AM)


I can see it being useful against Willbender, Mischievous Quanar, blue morphers with conditional instant-style 'turned face up' abilities. But still, no way is this worth anything outside limited besides sweet flavour text.
Posted By: Morgrath (5/14/2011 3:02:50 AM)


If it is the Scornful Egotist then it serves as saying -1/-1 until end of turn. I think that is the only scenario where this card is beneficial in any way.
Posted By: JFM2796 (8/10/2011 5:28:47 PM)


This card is not to bad, it's main use is like a counter spell. You have it side boarded and if you play against a deck that is a morph deck that has a chain set up with the morphs or if the morphs are used for counter spells. This has a very limited use and unless you know someone would play a morph deck then I would not even bother. Though it does bring up question if it can be used on double sided cards.
Posted By: silverpaw (11/29/2011 6:21:36 PM)


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