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Community Rating: 4.441 / 5  (68 votes)
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There are several epochal points in Magic history that show the moment where the players or R&D figured out how a certain aspect of the game truly "worked."

Black Summer (with Necropotence) was the moment Magic players realized the role life totals really have in the game and how important card advantage is.

Buried Alive was the card that showed us how crazy recursion was going to be. It made the graveyard a resource. That's a paradigm shift for the game.
Posted By: ROBRAM89 (3/11/2011 10:18:31 PM)


Not as broken as some other ways to fill GY (Entomb, Bazaar, certain Dredge/Ichorid combos) but still great for standard reanimator.
Posted By: AlphaNumerical (8/11/2009 11:10:16 PM)


I play balthor the defiled edh so this is a auto 5star from me
Posted By: thaviel (4/9/2011 9:51:20 AM)


This was the best, then they printed Entomb. Why oh why oh why...

Posted By: BegleOne (6/5/2011 5:55:47 PM)


My favorite use of this card is the following :
T1 : Swamp, Dark Ritual, Buried Alive (search for Bladewing the Risen, Dragon Tyrant and Anger)
T2 : Mountain, Exhume Bladewing. The Tyrant comes into play too, with Bladewing's ability. Swing for 16 with both.
T3 : Enemy has 4 life left. Bladewing's a 4/4. The rest is up to you.
I like this because it combines my inner Johnny (Dragon reanimation combo), my inner Timmy (BIG DRAGON TYRANT!BBQLOLZ!) and my inner Spike (Turn 2 damage is, without a doubt, SUPER EFFECTIVE). All wrapped up in one.
Posted By: Dabok (7/29/2012 6:36:31 PM)


I can Animate Dead on anything T1? myohmyohmyohmy!

$18 playset? damnohdamnohdamnohdamn.
Posted By: Psychrates (3/16/2012 3:37:18 PM)


This is a very powerful effect, but it doesn't do too much on its own.
Posted By: Pollinosis (5/19/2013 4:10:29 AM)


I prefer this weird art myself. This card honestly has a hard time finding deck slots with me other than strict reanimator decks that seek to lock things down t2-t3. It's nice for the cards like Anger in general, and in jund colors running a weird deck you may put in brawn and genesis.

Could work wonders in a deck running glory or getting Haakon in the 'yard to start your game.

Unfortunately the decks that really like to run this also can only afford to run 2 or so, else they clog your hand. I may try it as a 1-of with genesis as a 1-of in legacy. Getting Genesis in there could really help
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/29/2013 9:33:53 AM)


In Mimeoplasm Commander, the three cards you should always be searching for with this are Wonder, Filth, and Brawn.
Posted By: TheWallinator74 (4/18/2014 6:44:33 PM)


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