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Community Rating: 2.988 / 5  (81 votes)
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I happen to love this card. It has saved my arse so many times.
Posted By: LogicaLInsanity (3/27/2009 9:20:05 AM)


This is a terrible card.

Now, don't get me wrong, this card is fun and encourages a unique playstyle. However what it also does is take far too long to play and have too many out-of-game variables. How long will it take you to count your deck? How will you do this without looking at it, changing the order, or showing your opponent? how does your opp. make sure you counted correctly? Do they count the deck without looking or changing the order? None of these things have any bearing on the strategy of the game, but can easily disrupt play. Traumatize falls into the same pit, as does Shahrazad.

2.5 for fun value.
Posted By: Ideatog (1/26/2011 1:47:28 AM)


i'll let you guys know why it's rated low.
1. it's life gain in casual play life gain is awesome for the elites jerks on this site "this is a card i have to play to 'not get closer to winning!?'"
2. it's 8 mana in casual yea cool 8mana card bro, for competitive play 8mana should downright get you close to winning
3. some people probably low rated out of spite because they lost there advantage when there friend played this

I Reverse the sands after my friend played this :)
Posted By: thaviel (4/15/2009 5:49:19 PM)


Makes Ajani's avatar beef. Just, its too bad with cards like Traumatize and Mind Funeral that ruin people's fun by milling instead of killing. But if you play Battle of Wits then play this too!
Posted By: Kryptnyt (1/17/2010 4:57:45 PM)


I don't know why it's rated so low either. So cool!
Posted By: DFG_Danger (4/7/2009 11:24:34 AM)


I don't know why this card is rated so low, isn't this a super card?
Posted By: Tiablo (3/21/2009 3:05:55 AM)


This card is great in EDH.
Posted By: Lege (10/16/2009 1:34:09 AM)


The problem with this card is that there's no life gain, only a life change, which prevents comboing with Sanguine Bond or something.
Posted By: theelk801 (8/2/2009 4:23:29 PM)


An absolutely ridiculous card to play against. Takes all of the fun out of playing against someone when they are running a 500+ card deck and they play this. Should be banned in any game that allows more than 60 cards in a deck.

If your opponent is running a 500 card deck, they have an extremely small chance of ever drawing this card, even if they run four. Your argument is ridiculous because that person could go 100 games and never draw it.

You're right. There is no possible way they could tutor this. It's not like they could play any of these cards to find it:

>Demonic Tutor
>Mystical Tutor
>Grim Tutor
>Diabolic Tutor
>Personal Tutor
>Vampiric Tutor
>Imperial Seal
>Increasing Ambition
>Diabolic Revelation
>Cruel Tutor

They'll obviously have to wait and just draw the card.
Posted By: igniteice (2/26/2013 2:28:12 PM)


This card is too much fun in commander or any other large casual deck. Always love casting this when I'm under 10 life.
Posted By: AngelxLegna (6/2/2011 7:08:08 PM)


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