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Oh, Magical Christmasland, how I love thee.
Posted By: universe34 (7/7/2011 7:54:44 PM)


This is in direct reference to Innistrad.

Mark my words.
Posted By: DeathDark (7/9/2011 4:27:19 PM)


Hm, I'm not sure how I feel about this artifact set.

On one hand, I don't really like the idea of cards that name the card they're supposed to go with. Magic is more about creating your own connections with cards, and stuff like this feels a bit too "Yu-gi-oh" ish.

On the other hand, I made a deck with these and it was pretty fun, although not powerful enough for Standard.

Overall, probably a 3.5/5
Posted By: GlassJoetheChamp (2/12/2012 6:45:29 PM)


Seriously pondering adding one of these to my Soldier commander deck, it's still a decent little card by itself with the theme for commander (or so I hope!)
Posted By: Raszero (7/22/2011 9:54:17 AM)


Does this mean M12 limited is... (takes off sunglasses)
A Game of Thrones?
Posted By: Shadoflaam (11/19/2011 11:12:27 AM)


This and Unwinding Clock is reasonable. This, the rest of the Empires set, and Unwinding clock is dumb.
Posted By: Andon_A (7/7/2011 9:27:45 PM)



The above throne, and this Liliana:


Yes, I can see it. ;) It was the first thing I thought of, too. While the thrones look different, it's gonna be different artists... but Throne of Empires is in Liliana's colors. I'll be interested to know what happens.
Posted By: Scrivnr (7/12/2011 11:58:09 AM)


When you play the throne of empires you win, or you die.
Posted By: somekindofwizard (7/10/2011 6:18:49 AM)


The problem with this set of three is that it's a three card combo that doesn't win you the game and doesn't do much individually. There are too many better combos (Both in standard and out) that require less effort to do more for these three to be worth it.
Posted By: Dragon_Nut (7/14/2011 11:12:42 AM)


@bow to chris

"Ignoring the set bonus, this thing is the best colorless token generator."

Lies sir, lies and slander. Myr Turbine is clearly the best. While I can't say strictly better, (white/soldiers have different tribal support than artifacts/myr) I daresay it is quite superior in almost every respect!

Not only is it cheaper, it also has a secondary ability.

With the Crown/Scepter, quite formidible, I must admit, however.
Posted By: SniperJolly (7/19/2011 8:46:49 AM)


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