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Community Rating: 4.152 / 5  (547 votes)
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Well, if reprinting it means the stock influx will lower her price, then I'm all for it, I suppose.
Posted By: DonRoyale (7/8/2010 11:56:14 AM)


It's back again. As much as I hate it, can it really be given anything less than 5/5?
Posted By: dudecow (7/8/2010 12:35:24 PM)


Oh. My. God.
... But it dies to Doom Blade.
Posted By: Bursama (4/24/2011 3:47:31 AM)


dies to baneslayer.
Posted By: rinoh20 (12/22/2010 6:44:33 PM)


Remember having played a doom blade on this in a Friday Night Magic.
Then I did cast a Raise from the Grave on it.

Posted By: bagilis (9/6/2010 4:14:34 AM)


So instead of whining about this... just give another whiner a 5 star rating
and post good o' comments such as "cool artwork" or combo cards.

I agree Serra Angel makes more sense than this but... I got this in a repack and I was wondering how I could combo it.
Posted By: AXER (8/22/2010 10:28:43 PM)


Remember when a 4/4 with two nice abilities costed five, and was considered really good? This card should have never been printed. Sure, as the game ages and progresses, new cards are going to be made and have advantages over old ones, but they should not be strictly better than what didn't need improvement in the first place. The amount you get for 5 mana here is retarded. This isn't a power creep. It's a power dash. (Was going to say leap until I realized it rhymed.)

For the sake of the game, Wizards should not make their classic and well liked cards obsolete by making overpowered garbage such as this and tacking a mythic label on it.
Posted By: Secksee (6/29/2013 4:00:49 PM)


I'll grudgingly admit that this is a good card. Five mana for a 5/5 flyer with a slew of other abilities? That's a sweet deal. I wish it weren't so good, but it is.... and I'm willing to accept that it will destroy anyone without a great air defense!
Posted By: Beastlygreen (9/21/2010 7:59:18 PM)


Dies to removal ;)
Posted By: luckyduck4 (2/13/2011 2:59:13 PM)


I don't usually sell cards so I'm glad I hesitated none after pulling one out of a pack to get it into a deck right away. Watch it get reprinted when they get around to making a truly formidable tribe out of angels.

Anyone who is bashing this card is just doing it to be different.
Posted By: jfre81 (2/20/2012 6:37:00 PM)


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