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Community Rating: 3.920 / 5  (44 votes)
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Omg, it's Jesus with a sword!
Posted By: aznxknightz (10/15/2010 11:09:26 PM)


New From Mattel: "Sexy Time Hannukah Battle Jesus Action Figure, comes with all parts seen here, shirt NEVER included."
Posted By: Hackworthy (1/30/2012 2:02:17 PM)


The white Fog, part of a supposed 5-color cycle of Fog effects, the blue and red ones never got printed, the black one is Darkness...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (11/25/2009 8:20:06 PM)


"The day of spirits; my soul's clam retreat/ Which none disturb"Henry Vaughan, "Silex Scintillans"

What is a soul's clam retreat? Looks like a fun typo in gatherer. Pretty funny since this was a card of the day, and was not caught.
Posted By: BrianB (11/26/2009 8:08:02 PM)


"I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword" Matthew 10:34
Posted By: omni8000 (1/20/2012 12:58:54 AM)


Soul's clam retreat? Sounds fishy.
Posted By: Totema (6/18/2013 12:40:40 AM)


Fogs are always underrated! They can give you that one turn you really need to win! In magic it so often comes down to that...
Posted By: Gako (3/21/2009 7:32:34 PM)


justin hampton you've done it again
Posted By: doolydooly (12/28/2009 3:31:45 PM)


Was this actually consciously supposed to be part of a cycle, and then they changed that?

or was it always a 'broken cycle', that they were sort of thinking of but decided to stick in a particular color set?

I think I would actually be a huge fan of Blue and Red Fog. Though most of them are 1-mana, the cycle doesn't have to be exact ports of Fog into every color: there could be interesting changes made to the Blue or Red one, like costing 3 mana, or being more conditional, that they can still form a loose cycle, but give much added utility to the colors while preserving color flavor/identity?

G: Fog. Should stay the same.
W: Holy Day. Should stay the same.
U: Some kind of Watery or Magic Shield. Pretty sure needs to cost more mana. Maybe it can be an Enchantment that gives a pseudo-Fog to one creature? I can see Blue being able to keep one creature safe, less so a whole army.
B: Darkness. Could be made a sorcery, possibly more effective?
R: I like the idea ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/29/2013 8:52:43 AM)


... Toki Wartooth?
Posted By: Zetan (1/15/2014 7:36:06 PM)


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