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"Alright, and Ponder with Polymorph for Emrakul. Good game."

"Not quite yet."


"Mindbreak Trap."

Posted By: Dragon_Whelp (5/2/2010 5:09:07 AM)


"No, this is Camarid Camera. And yes your husband was killed, and upon his reanimation...

"WHAT? He's alive?"

"Erm, he was, lucky redraw, but as I was saying, a pack of Ersatz Gnomes used a Go for the Throat on him. I'm sorry."

"B-b-but, he... he didn't have a throat, and... GNOMES? GNOMES killed a GOD by attacking its THROAT?"

"Our condolences. Mr. Infinite Gyre sends his regards."
Posted By: Shadoflaam (11/2/2011 5:39:07 PM)


Even if you don't plan on using it, at least add it in as a sideboard utility. It blows mill decks out of the water.

If you think that hard casting it is too difficult, then you don't know how to use the set. Spawns and Eldrazi lands make up most of the mana cost. that is what's supposed to happen.

Posted By: WhiteyMcFly (4/16/2010 5:16:44 PM)


@Lampshade: Emrakul needs to be cast in order to get the extra turn. So, in short, no. Still, being able to get him in fifth turn with nothing but land drops and no accel is nothing to scoff at. Sixth turn and they aren't likely to have too much extras that they can sack, so you've pretty much wrecked their day.
Posted By: Andon_A (4/17/2010 7:01:01 PM)


Does anybody remember when Darksteel Colossus and Phyrexian Dreadnought were considered to be some of the most powerful creatures ever printed (not efficient necessarily, just really big and powerful).

These make them look like nothing.
Kozilek and Ulamog are most likely more powerful than Colossus, and they cost roughly the same.
And there is no contest for Emrakul.

The worst thing is, as things stand in Standard, you'll be seeing Kozilek and Ulamog turn 5-6, and Emrakul only 2-3 turns later (if you survive that long).

You'll be seeing them turn 3 or sooner in Extended with Hypergenesis Cascade.
Posted By: diabloknk (4/17/2010 8:45:07 PM)


Just for the record I'd like to state that I have cast Emrakul and lost! :D My opponent shifted a Prison Term onto it when it entered the battlefield and I failed to free it before I was swarmed by super-charged goats.
Posted By: Asinine-Ultimatum (4/25/2010 1:07:52 PM)


- last moments as Emrakul desperately struggled to free himself from the deadly recluse's deadly grasp.
Posted By: kittyspit (5/12/2010 6:07:29 PM)


I want to see 2 players, one with big spaghetti up there and one with blightsteel colossus to see how it plays out if they both had untapped mana and hands full of instants to use...
Posted By: novasun (6/18/2011 12:32:01 AM)


Timmy sees the biggest actual creature in the game, and in any color.
Johnny sees a great use for his massive amounts of mana.
Spike sees a viable deck with Show and Tell, or perhaps Hypergenesis.
Vorthos sees an epic deity and its sheer power coming to life on a card.
Melvin sees the very useful set of abilities and possible interactions.

A card that appeals to literally every kind of player. A card that has seen play everywhere from kitchen tables to Pro Tours. A card that is, at least to me, perfect.
Posted By: Continue (7/17/2013 3:23:11 PM)


No no no no no no. This is bad card design wizards. BAD. You do not print something like this that essentially hoses your opponent and gives them little to no hope of recovering. You make expensive cards to be strong but have some kind of drawback that makes it riskier to play them. The flavor is also quite off on a card like this. Why would some plane devouring monster bow to the wishes of some little fleshy being squeaking out orders from the surface it is currently destroying. The destruction it causes from tearing around shouldn't be one sided. It should harm everyone involved.
Posted By: Johnald (4/16/2010 8:05:49 PM)


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