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So, if everything on this plane is 1/100 if it's original size, that means that leviathans are about 2000 feet long. (Segovian Leviathan is supposed to be the size of an elephant, which is about 20 feet long)

However, if you think about it, if there was no size reference on the plane, then it wouldn't matter how big things are because everything would be in proportion. Just because it shrinks a creature doesn't mean it's making the creature weaker. And if each plane is it's own individual universe with it's own dimensions and all that crazy stuff, then size would be irrelevant from plane to plane. Size wouldn't exist. But who cares...it's an awesome card with great mechanics! :)
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (9/15/2009 7:13:24 PM)


@ Arachibutyrophobia

Indeed! The leviathan would be just a "normal" leviathan on Segovia. However, it is small in game terms because it is assumed that you are summoning it to some plane other than Segovia, where it is seen as small for a leviathan. That's why the plane card makes everything small- it brings everything down to the scale where the leviathan seems big again.

This explanation even works (kind of) for the situation where you have a Segovian Leviathan in play and the Hippodrome plane in play: you summoned it somewhere where it was small, then planeswalked to Segovia with a small leviathan, which then got smaller. Unfortunately, it falls apart if you cast the card after planeswalking to Segovia, because if you summon one there, a local leviathan of normal size (for Segovia) should just swim over to you, no size change involved.

Oh well.
Posted By: Ideatog (10/22/2011 11:29:50 PM)


One of my favourite planes. I definitely have a tendency towards combo and control decks in multiplayer games, so Hippodrome gives me plenty of breathing space to get the battlefield under my control. Not to mention the chaos ability is *very* controlling. Free spot removal? Hell yeah. ^^
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (10/10/2010 3:08:36 AM)


The tilt-shift in the art is really cool! It does look like a miniature.
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (5/15/2012 12:08:24 PM)


Easily the most amusing plane. Everything's tiny in tiny world. Yaaaaay tiny world!
Posted By: Zulp (10/6/2009 7:24:20 PM)


a creature with negative power doesn't have reverse lifelink.
That's just silly.

You just need to pump it by that much before it can deal any combat damage.

Steve did a great job on the art; that weird perspective distortion is so cool.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (12/27/2009 11:27:19 PM)


From my understanding, there can be power/toughness less than zero. However, for most cases. it's treated as 0.
Posted By: Ajbcool (1/18/2010 11:12:34 PM)


This card makes me want to look at it with a pair of 3d glasses. It looks like it was made for that. There is the future of magic...magic 3d...3d cards play with dopey glasses and see the monsters jump off the card...

THIS IS MY IDEA WIZARDS/HASBRO, I'd like a check if you use it.
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (6/6/2012 7:14:29 AM)


i was playing planechase once and this saved my life
my opponent was going to kill me with his dragon but then i rolled this bugger out and killed him with my proliferate
Posted By: prolifFTW (5/14/2011 7:53:08 AM)


Segovian Leviathan
Notice the tiny whales that swim past him.
Yeah, I'd say 1/100th is about right.
Posted By: marmaris74 (6/29/2011 1:45:50 PM)


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