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Cheap card but don't underestimate him. I put four of these in my deck; they're pretty much my staple defenders for beginning and long term.

I play against a friend from time to time and he uses usually a white deck and I recall one very useful time for this guy was when he pulled out a sun titan that got buffed and was 13/13. He was ***ed cause I kept blocking him with a 1/1 that I put in on the field on the second turn of the game. Boy did he ever wish he had a card that enchanted his sun titan with trample... LOL
Posted By: Wahsayah (11/28/2011 11:55:45 PM)


In the original art, there was some weird blue-ish magic bringing them to life that I guess Wizards didn't like: http://daarken.com/wotc/drudge.jpg
Posted By: babylonian007 (2/14/2010 11:26:22 AM)


Fun-fact for you, this is the only card in Magic with the word "Skeletons" in it's title.
Posted By: boneclub (8/5/2010 2:24:23 AM)


Is it bad that I just realized the guy in the flavor text is the guy who made Nevinyrral's Disk?
Posted By: NARFNra (11/16/2010 9:04:18 PM)


@Babylonian007: OMG! That looked so much better! Thanks for sharing!
Posted By: Paleopaladin (6/22/2010 5:01:39 PM)


@ Uarebiganfat

You do realize that you can't regenerate a sacrificed creature...? Or are you thinking of Reassembling Skeleton?

@ babylonian007

I have to agree with the others here, that bluish version was much better. Oh well, this still beats the art they used from 7th - 10th edition.
Posted By: Wanderer25 (11/9/2011 9:09:35 PM)


The new art is so dark ; )
Posted By: Demage (11/15/2009 9:21:13 AM)


@marmaris74: You're comparing two phenomenal, aggressive green cards (River Boa and Mire Boa) with a creature that's been the staple of black defense since almost the origin of the game. No, it's not as good as either of the snakes, which are truly versatile for both face-beating and holding off attacks for damn near ever, but that's not the point of the Drudge. Drudge Skeletons are meant to provide cheap, nearly unkillable defense for Black mages to use while pulling together whatever nefarious death they're cooking up. To that end they perform incredibly well.

It's also very fitting color-wise: Green generally has pound-for-mana the beefiest creatures, given that it's the color of life and nature and whatnot, whereas Black has to work with dead bits, leftovers, and unspeakable things.

Posted By: yyukichigai (7/30/2011 3:26:25 AM)


Try playing Walking Dead instead. Better creature type. And if you roll white then you can play Revered Dead.
Posted By: Eved (2/8/2010 6:04:10 AM)


Replaced by Reassembling Skeleton.
Posted By: achilleselbow (7/27/2010 3:57:10 AM)


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