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Looks like Mr. Bolas just drew an Icy Manipulator.
Posted By: RikerBlake (3/28/2012 4:22:05 PM)


I don't know about an Innistrad reprint.
They used Nicol Bolas in this art, and he doesn't seem to have a stake in Innistrad at all. If they planned on reprinting it they probably would have used the art from the new set, to save money.
Still, that hardly means anything. Just my gut.

On the card itself, its really solid. Playing it from your hand is a little pricey, but the flashback means you can discard it (like, to Psychatog, for instance) and get some extra value with your blue Sign in Blood. If it were reprinted in standard right now, you could put it in a deck along with Mulch and Forbidden Alchemy and get tons of value. A Burning Vengeance deck would profit from it too.

Few draw spells are this versatile.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (11/12/2011 7:21:24 PM)


I'd love to see an Innistrad-block reprint just because it would be great to see both Deep Analysis and Think Twice in standard together. Deciding which (and how many) you run would be a real skill-tester, pushing a deck's mechanics and play style very firmly in one direction or another.
Posted By: Lyoncet (9/19/2011 9:15:06 AM)


Who needs casting costs? Wild Mongrel says to go ahead and pay 2 mana for a Divination!
Posted By: boneclub (10/16/2011 10:36:48 PM)


Good point, minus_prime. I was going to right your comment off but Flashback seems to be a big thing in IND so far. Plus Wizards like to 'leak' reprints and new cards in these promo sets. So you might be on to something.

What is everyone else talking about, 4 mana, 4 cards? It is 6, is it not? 3Blue to play then 1Blue and 3 life for the second time. Nightscape Familar lowers both costs in this deck, sure. But no one mentioned him.
Posted By: OmegaSerris (9/10/2011 5:19:06 PM)


Innistrad out, DKA out, and Flashback will not be featured in Avacyn Restored. So no reprint ;)
Posted By: bansheemane (3/28/2012 11:41:11 AM)


EDIT: ok, so actually it's 6 mana to get 4 cards-- except you divide it over 2 casts, and since this one has a smaller flashback cost than hard cast cost, that extra two mana will be much less costly than if it were just '4UU: draw 4 cards'. You can flash this back by turn 5 using just '1 basic per turn' mana, a full turn earlier than a '4UU: draw 4' would do. AND drawing 2 cards twice is probably better than drawing 4 all at once. I can't entirely explain well why I think that, but reading a bunch of different blue cards and thinking about it, it sounds right.

When you're evaluating how much your really paying and getting, I would say this is comparable to a 3UU Instant card that draws 3. It's a little bit slow, but you do get good value for your mana.

One final note. Bolas is a jerk. He probably casts this on turn 2 off a Sol Ring all day long ;)
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/11/2011 7:19:52 PM)


Awesome new art! Bolas is such an awesome planeswalker. Of course, what else could we expect from an elder dragon?
As for the card, it may be a little costly (4 mana and 3 life), but you can't ignore what is practically a "Draw 4 cards" effect.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (9/1/2011 8:44:10 PM)


If no fact escapes him, how does he not know you you think you can? It's a fact!
Posted By: Condor_96 (10/4/2011 8:28:11 PM)


You cannot escape his deep a n a l...ysis.
Posted By: Kirbster (5/14/2012 10:41:53 PM)


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