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4 mana and 3 life is worth it. Life is overrated.

On a side note. I never noticed bolas has only 3 fingers.
Posted By: ApexPredator (9/3/2011 9:03:44 AM)


I know it's been mentioned already, but I thought I'd just reemphasise that you can get around the initial 4-mana cost with a looting effect.

This card effectively says: tap a merfolk looter creature, pay 3 life and 2 mana (ONLY 2 mana): draw THREE (!) cards

And that's not too shabby.
Posted By: fibonacci112358 (5/24/2012 5:35:45 AM)


Used to be common, upped to uncommon, implication of reprint in Innistrad?

**Well, I got that wrong. Which raises the question of why this card jumped up a rarity, since(aside from actual reprints) I've only ever seen that happen for promos and flagship mythics.
Posted By: Minus_Prime (6/20/2012 1:17:10 PM)


This would be bomb in a self mill, maybe partnered with increasing ambition. Otherwise, tidings is stronger.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/14/2012 11:29:40 AM)


It's sorta like Think Twice's big brother, and very solid in self-mill since milling it is worth instant and substantial card advantage.
Posted By: LordRandomness (5/18/2013 7:21:08 AM)


Possibly the most blue card in the game. See Urabrask for the most red card in the game.

The art is pretty much entirely made up of shades of blue, the card is blue, and the set symbol (uncommon) is silver - which sort of blends in with the blue border. I want one to put beside my Urabrask :P Then I just need the rest of the colours.
Posted By: SAUS3 (7/3/2013 8:19:57 AM)


Just look at Think Twice. From a certain viewpoint (and with a little help from stuff like Wild Mongrel), for two mana, this card does what Think Twice does for five mana. It might not be the best card against aggro (but certainly still good), but against control this beats every single card draw spell we have today, including Jace, Architect of Thought and Sphinx's Revelation.
Posted By: sweetgab (9/10/2013 11:54:03 AM)


Spirit Flare, Deep Analysis, Crippling Fatigue, Flash of Defiance, and Acorn Harvest were a cycle of commons from Torment with flashback costs of 1C and 3 life. This one is the only one people ever know about.
Posted By: Continue (9/23/2013 10:02:15 PM)


"Because I'm not a fact; I'm Ajani!"
Posted By: OlvynChuru (5/28/2014 2:20:02 PM)


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