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Community Rating: 4.000 / 5  (57 votes)
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It really pleased me that this card made a comeback to the tournament scene with it's most-recent printing. First, it was great to see it back for sentimental reasons. Second, it was great to rub it in the face of the power creep doom cult.

And how I love that artwork!
Posted By: scumbling1 (3/17/2011 4:19:46 PM)


love this card. cool artwork, good creature. solid.
Posted By: gasimakos1 (5/20/2011 9:43:43 AM)


This creature saw a lot of play in its day (when 4th edition and Ice Age were still legal in Type II, aka Standard) as a result of its 4 point toughness (allowing it to survive both Lightning Bolt and Incinerate, the latter of which was printed in both Ice Age and Mirage), and, more importantly, its Protection from White (which rendered it immune to the ubiquitous Swords to Plowshares, uncommon in both 4th edition and Ice Age). He was also eminently collectible to anyone obsessed with Djinns and Efreets, and to any fans of the stylistically consistent Richard Kane-Ferguson (Pillage, Arcane Denial, Sol'kanar the Swamp King).
Posted By: tezcat (10/7/2009 12:29:44 PM)


Actually, Nicholas Lovett used four of these in the 2006 World Championships also. It was perfect for the other Boros decks that made it to the finals. I think there were 5 or 6 Boros decks that used burn spells and a few white creatures including Icatian Javelineers , Knight of the Holy Nimbus , and the famed Savannah Lions. It got him pretty far actually, but not quite far enough. Personally, I might use this as a sideboard in a red deck, or if I knew the person I was playing was using a lot of White. But in it's element, pretty good card.
Posted By: EvilCleavage (4/10/2010 7:35:00 PM)


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