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Community Rating: 3.941 / 5  (17 votes)
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It was Time-Shifted, but there were so many other Timeshifted cards that could have been picked over this. It already got to be in the modern frame through Archenemy. Lord of Atlantis and Disenchant on the other hand, have not had that luxury, and could both greatly benefit from the treatment.

I like Verdoloth, don't get me wrong, but he simply isn't a modern master.
Posted By: Doaj (6/6/2013 11:36:21 AM)


I had no idea that Verdeloth was in modern.
Posted By: Atali (6/6/2013 11:08:05 AM)


Doran the Siege Tower may give you 'more options' in EDH, but actually this is the True Treebeard of MAGIC. Think- do you really NEED anything other than a bunch of Reach of Branches, Kodama's Reaches, and Rude Awakenings? Fist of Ironwood? Woodfall Primus? Avenger of Zendikar?

If your ENT DECK is not Mono-Green, you are doing something wrong.
Posted By: DarthParallax (6/14/2013 6:54:33 PM)


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