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One of the nicer cards with dethrone, a 2/2 first strike with the possibility of getting bigger is way bigger than red gets normally for 2 mana.

Edit: I'll be honest, I could've been clearer by what I meant, I meant a 1/1 that can easily be a 2/2 and then theoretically can be bigger, but yeah, that'd be nuts.
Posted By: anotherfan321 (6/5/2014 7:15:39 AM)


The best part of dethrone is that they get bigger before combat, not after. So as anotherfan321 stated, he can basically be viewed as a 2/2 1st strike for 2, since I am sure he will be attacking. However, I would have to agree with Polarith in that a late game draw of this guy would most likely not see him gaining any value, unless the leader's board state gets wiped.... and it may... IF everyone else conspires against him. Gotta take down the "King" or "Queen"....

In my first game of the set, the guy to my right had one of these dudes. He did get to play him early, and got him up to like a 7/7 or 8/8. Once he turned his sights on me, I mortified or tragic slipped him into oblivion... I honestly forget which one killed this guy since I was holding answers most of the game, playing coy, acting like a non-threat... It worked out. I was the winner. Sometimes the wolf wears sheep's clothing....

I will also be using this dude in my planned Krenko EDH deck.
Posted By: Bbone37 (6/8/2014 1:26:53 PM)


@anotherfan, A 1/1 first striker. It has the chance to get to 2/2 if played early but later game, it may stuggle.

I like it by the way, but thought the different important enough to correct you.

Edit. @Bbone37, sounds like the way i win ;). I should point out that this does have the negative of sitting a 1/1 for generally (without outside effects) a whole turn. So I guess my point would also be that it is vulnerable to a number of pingers before it has gotten to 2/2.

Still good, but you should play with that in mind..
Posted By: Polarith (6/10/2014 2:03:21 AM)


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