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Back then, there wern't 3-drop 3/2s. There were Scathe Zombies. 3 power for 3 mana was decent in the early game, and this guy's ability makes him relevant in the late-game, too.
Posted By: Fanaticmogg (2/9/2011 10:28:50 PM)


Cripes, that's an 8-Mana Last Gasp! The only invoker worth playing outside of limited is prolly Flamewave Invoker (and maybe Stonewood Invoker).

At least this guy kills regenerators and indestructibles and company.
Posted By: justicarphaeton (12/14/2010 7:50:44 PM)


obviously none of you play edh
Posted By: Zombie_Ninjaz (9/10/2011 6:50:45 PM)


The previous poster is absolutely right. Keep in mind that not all cards in a set are created solely with Constructed formats in mind. I played a ton of OLS (Onslaught, Legions, Scourge) booster draft, and this creature was indeed good. The -3/-3 means straight-up death for many creatures (including pesky regenerators), and when combined at instant speed with combat damage, can help kill even tougher creatures. The Red counterpart, Flamewave Invoker, is strictly better than any vanilla 2/2 for 2R, and was great for getting around late-game creature stalemates. Green's version, Stonewood Invoker, is strictly better than any vanilla 2/2 for 1G, and also helped in the late-game when your opponent could kill most anything else by gang-blocking. These cards also existed in a tribal-themed environment, which meant their subtypes were important and most likely beneficial. Remember, context is everything!
Posted By: tezcat (10/7/2009 3:08:52 PM)


Good god, EIGHT? That's borderline obscene! If that was on a better card (eg 3BB, 4/3, Shroud or something) that had some potential other than spending a small mana-fortune, maaaaybe. As it is...no.
Posted By: Elysiume (7/5/2009 5:51:39 PM)


This cycle was created for limited play, where that type of mana can be conjured...look at the rest of the invoker cycle...
Posted By: Guest57443454 (7/10/2009 6:58:44 AM)


also, he could be funny with playsets of training grounds and copy enchantment
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/9/2010 4:46:22 PM)


Much better stuff can be done with 8 mana.
Posted By: AmericanVigor (12/1/2010 10:13:58 AM)


My favorite Invoker. Fits right into your curve, then dominates the board later. Overdue for a Duel Decks reprint.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (5/2/2012 1:00:58 AM)


7Black is a lot of mana for a reusable Last Gasp. Probably best with your infinite mana combo of choice... but in which case why not just use Flamewave Invoker?
Posted By: Trygon_Predator (5/7/2012 11:02:17 AM)


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