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It took 10 years, but this little guy could not be happier to see the Ordeals of Theros.
Posted By: HuntingDrake (9/26/2013 3:40:13 AM)


This is better than most would give it credit for, one drop 2-power dudes only last a couple of turns anyway before the opposition gets something that can block it anyway, this just forces the issue much like Tattermunge Maniac.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (2/27/2010 10:38:28 AM)


If you play this and any other clockwork, you can solitify it with Humility.

It gives makes them 1/1's + the amount of counters on them. Only bad thing is clockworks before mirrodin, as well as your creatures lose flying and trample. But unless there's either a massive army or other creatures with counters, it's end game for your opponent.
Posted By: asandberge (12/10/2010 3:49:09 PM)


A 2/2 artifact creature for 1 colourless is pretty darn good. But of course there's the drawback... Still, there are few artifact creatures that are as good a value.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (1/6/2010 2:43:11 PM)


I play in blue to kill annoying 1 and 2 drops.
Posted By: Hercynian (5/4/2013 10:16:31 AM)


@polski wouldn't you rather play arcbound worker in that case? The payoff point would occur pretty fast.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/17/2010 5:24:58 AM)


At the very best a Lightning Bolt. Much of the time it will fall short, which makes it kind of bad.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (6/11/2011 1:59:15 AM)


With steel overseer, this card is boss. this turn one, T2 overseer, attack for two, lose a counter. T3 tap the overseer to give them both counters, attack for two again, lose a counter, repeat. In essence, you have a 2/2 for 1 with no drawbacks and a slowly growing monster who will only benefit you the more artifacts you play.
Posted By: PolskiSuzeren (7/18/2010 12:22:16 AM)


what a cool card dude a machine beatle a cyborg buggy A Android insect a synthetic creepy crawlYYYYY : )
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (4/17/2011 7:55:02 PM)


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