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Planar Chaos is a testament to all the awesome stuff black can do. Especially tearing things from elsewhere in le colour pie and adding some drawback. Love it.
Posted By: axiobeta (8/22/2011 5:57:23 AM)


Can you make a counterspell target itself?
Posted By: Drvst (2/3/2012 12:21:01 PM)


I'm surprised nobody mentioned Swerve! That's my favorite of all the redirects.

@Drvst No, you can't make a counterspell target itself. However, you can change the target of the counterspell to Imp's Mischief, thus nullifying its effect.
Posted By: htgtmd (3/28/2012 9:56:37 AM)


This is a must have for any mono-black deck.

Although I have a question though. I was playing a 3 friends in Commander. One of them attacked with a 7/7 and the other lamped on Tainted Strike so I threw out the above card and directed it to one of his creatures that wouldn't be attacking. He said it wasn't a legal move and there wouldn't be a point to it and that I 'shouldn't just be throwing out cards.'

To me this still made sense because it's about deflecting, since black doesn't have any good counter cards. Any thoughts anyone?
Posted By: Anger4Ever (7/11/2012 10:26:16 PM)


202.3b When calculating the converted mana cost of an object with an {X} in its mana cost, X is treated as 0 while the object is not on the stack, and X is treated as the number chosen for it while the object is on the stack.

For banefire you'll lose 1 more life but on the bright side you're opponent will lose life too since banefire will hit them.
Posted By: Excaelezar (9/5/2012 9:11:51 AM)


Not as good as some other redirects, but it's mono-black and redirects are more of a red/blue deal, so this is essentially the Lightning Bolt/Hornet Sting effect.
Posted By: Arachnos (2/6/2013 7:26:44 PM)


I think this card is far better than it initially looks. Keep in the mind that Misdrection effects are often a 2 for 1 when you use it on a removal spell. Like all Misdirection effects, this card can counter counterspells and has the potential to answer uncounterable spells like abrupt decay and remove your opponent's hexproof permanents. Besides being in black, which normally does not have access to such effects, it is much easier to cast than the blue and red equivalents, Redirect, Shunt, and Swerve, each of which require two colored mana.
Posted By: absreim (7/31/2013 8:52:22 AM)


Chimney Imp I knew you were up to no good!
Posted By: tcollins (1/13/2014 7:33:32 PM)


The fact that this is black is really what makes it work, this is a blue/red effect in black with a low CMC. The cost is great, 1Black is the least color intensive cost that gets the effect. Making a mono-black deck I was looking for a way to fight removal and control decks, this doesn't always work perfectly, but most of the time I lose one to three life and can cost them 2 cards. Electrolyze is a pain, but lightning bolt and basically every kill spell fails miserably. Opportunity is hilarious.
Posted By: Enelysios (3/26/2014 9:59:24 PM)


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