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Mycosynth Lattice should work though, since it states that all cards, be they presently on the battlefield or otherwise, are now colorless. Almost sure to never happen but it can be done.
Posted By: BlackFlameAshura (7/14/2013 11:51:34 AM)


It's taken a while, but I think I've figured out why I never liked the Eldrazi. Eldritch abominations are awesome, I've always had a soft spot for massive creatures, and heck, if you can assemble this much mana, go ahead and summon Cthulhu. While the cheating into play is a pain, you don't get the turn or Vindicate or Tidings. However, I don't really like how Annihilator works. Just by existing, everything explodes. I would have preferred if the Eldrazi had to actually hit to annihilate, and could've had their annihilator numbers increased.

Also, they probably could've used a Phage-like 'If it came into play but you didn't cast it trigger' rather than the shuffle, but then I guess we wouldn't have a colorless answer to mill. Which in itself is a problem...
Posted By: ax_morph (7/30/2013 6:12:37 AM)


The best spell to cast with Omniscience.

You can get there with High Tide...
Posted By: Salient (8/17/2013 7:48:42 AM)


@tohrmal amulet of vigor just work when the permanent enter the battlefield
Posted By: Chiky911 (8/21/2013 12:44:35 PM)


I know this guy is completely insane... but doesn't Nevermore basically stop him from being cast? I know that it is a sideboard option spell most of the time until you know what threats a player has, but once it gets revealed, if you play white, there should be no reason why you shouldn't have 4 of those bad boys to bring in.
Posted By: PasosOlvidados (8/22/2013 8:54:01 PM)


we have to steal it (gain control) as an instant, but it must be colorless... how?
Posted By: TruthElemental (9/13/2013 8:47:07 AM)


@Continue: I do think you have a point - but I feel the need to bring up a counterpoint. Here's why Emrakul does wrong for all three types of players:

For Timmies, Emrakul represents the ultimate fattie, one that's so over-the-top that nothing can top it. One Timmy might loved his Akroma while the other enjoyed his Avenger of Zendikar. Once they know about Emrakul and perhaps played with it, everything else is instantly dwarfed and instantly seems less cool than before. Those Timmies who never have an Emrakul may remark bitterly, "well that card is stupid anyways." But in any case, a part of their Timmy-ness has died. When a card gets close to saying you win the game, it tends not to feel like something 2.5 times more awesome than Akroma, say -- it tends to remind you that it's all just a game. Like an item that you get late in an rpg that defeats the final boss in one hit. It takes away a lot of epicness from the story, and Emrakul comes very... (see all)
Posted By: sweetgab (9/13/2013 10:09:36 PM)


SUch a troll card when i put on the battlefield on turn four with quicksilver amulet. Some guy broke the table in half. lel kid.
Posted By: Degeh (9/18/2013 10:19:39 AM)


Dies to Aether Spellbomb or Executioner's Capsule.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (9/20/2013 5:31:17 AM)


I like to play Blue Oyster Cult's Godzilla when I cast Emrakul.
Posted By: jlbyellin (9/24/2013 10:21:34 AM)


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