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Community Rating: 2.773 / 5  (33 votes)
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Back in the day, he was ok. But not now. If it was a C2 like minotaur warrior, it would still be ok, but CC1 is just too harsh a cost for a below par creature.

I do like the art though.
Posted By: Baconradar (9/16/2010 4:43:31 AM)


For some reason, Hurloon Minotaur managed to elude my grasp for several months when I first started playing Magic. When I first saw one, it was in a casual game at school, and I thought it was some impressive rare. My eyes grew wide as I beheld the woolly white beast my opponent had just played. "What is THAT?" I demanded. "Uh..." my opponent replied incredulously, "a Hurloon Minotaur?" So then I read the card and realized it was only a crappy 2/3. I had Hill Giants bigger than that thing. Why was that a rare? Then I remembered I'd asked myself that same question about Lifelace and Underground Sea. Wizards of the Coast was so retarded. It wasn't until a few months and about a dozen Hurloon Minotaurs later, that I discovered it wasn't rare at all. Or even uncommon, for that matter. I'd just been lucky enough not to get any. But it would still be a while before I'd discover that Underground Se... (see all)
Posted By: Eppek_the_Goblin (8/14/2012 5:46:42 PM)


He looks perfect for Guard Duty. Same bored blank expression.
Posted By: Salient (3/15/2012 9:15:56 PM)


High marks for art, flavor text and nostalgia. Unfortunately, rarely played due to not being all that useful. Although he was costed about right for the time, compared to Scathe Zombies and Pearled Unicorn, he just didn't fit in aggressive red decks as well as Balduvian Barbarians. But he was a great card to get in my first starter pack because I remember just staring at the art and reading the flavor text and thinking about what type of amazing new world this was. It provided a few very specific details (the hymns, the tattoos, the carved horns, the misty breath), but also left so much to the imagination (what weapons he used, the terrain, their society, the meaning of the markings, who they fought and why) that it acted like a spark to jump start my imagination. I created a world in my head from these first few cards. The game didn't need to provide tons of detailed characters or a complex plot or spell out every relation... (see all)
Posted By: The_Riddle_of_Steel (2/9/2014 6:06:05 PM)


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