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Community Rating: 3.485 / 5  (33 votes)
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Looks like a changeling!
Posted By: Mudbutt_on (2/28/2010 9:50:23 AM)


This little guy is a bomb in limited
Posted By: Kryptnyt (4/2/2011 5:26:37 PM)


This is a pretty sweet card. Three mana for a 2/2 isn't great, but if it gets through, it's quite devastating. Plus the art is awesome.
Posted By: Fanaticmogg (2/26/2011 5:13:13 PM)


Some days you can't get rid of a bomb!
Posted By: Bouchart (10/5/2009 1:49:11 PM)


This card is a very good card for cube drafting and decent in EDH.
Posted By: ScurbyPirate (4/26/2012 5:00:40 PM)


I'm so glad that creatures that do wonky things when hitting a player no longer have the annoying drawback of having to give up the damage to get the effect. That's what made so many cards like this underplayed or utterly useless. At least this guy can get you some card advantage, but still, compare him to a Hypnotic Specter, which while admittedly very good, was just an uncommon back then.
Posted By: Radagast (9/22/2012 9:36:21 AM)


I like this art best.

This card is pretty sweet.
Works well with the newer land Rogue's Passage.
Posted By: Pollinosis (3/21/2013 3:50:43 PM)


He stabs your mind...with a bomb.

As for the card itself, this is not too bad considering the times. With Dwarven Warriors and like effects, this could get through and potentially knock out a big chunk of an opponent's hard. This is all fun and games, but with a Megrim (Liliana's Caress for you newer folks) on the board, this is 6 life AND discard. Fallen Empires had a little subtheme of "damage OR effect" from attacking creatures, and this one is not a terrible trade some of the time.
Posted By: Equinox523 (5/14/2013 12:41:17 PM)


Funeral Charm and Unearth work very well with him. Non-targeted discard is a big deal and so is non-dead discard (as he's still a 2/2 chump, trade, or attacker if you don't need them to discard.)

Trying him in a pox deck. The sheer number of plays with the above cards and dark ritual make it easy to obliterate someone's hand and mana base before they can do anything. If you T1 or T2 smallpox and discard this guy, you have the mana to unearth him; they likely don't have the mana, nor a blocker, and now they need a 1-2 mana answer and have to hope you don't have creature kill in your hand. Very powerful..
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/14/2013 1:05:34 AM)


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