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It's not that great, but hey, it does provide 2 colors of mana reliably and gives you 1 life for putting up with the "comes into play tapped" drawback.
Posted By: Radagast (9/11/2011 9:16:08 AM)



Actually, unless I were forced to use the cards that synergize with gates, I think I'd actually rather just gain one life. Gates might as well do nothing special just because none of the gate-centric cards are worth playing in any situation where you could choose between the two lands - this includes casual.

Maze's End is about the only relevant thing that gates do. The gatekeepers are bad outside of RTR block limited, there are better options than gatecreeper vine, and any of the other "if you control a gate" cards are barely playable in limited.
Posted By: CogMonocle (8/22/2013 11:15:09 AM)


Ehh it's better than the guildgates.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (4/14/2013 10:09:48 AM)


How is it better than the gates? Granted this gains you 1 life when it ETBs, but the gates have synergy within the RTR block. I'd argue that the gates are potentially better than this considering all the cards that care about the gate subtype.

@CogMonocle- Ok, fair enough. I guess I was just tired of seeing so many "strictly better" comments that my vision/judgment was cloudy. I run both/either in EDH decks when appropriate. I'll concede that I don't really use anything that cares about a gate subtype. And I have bounced a refuge with a karoo and gained a marginal amount of life. I will admit that the refuges are generally better, but can we at least agree that they are not strictly better/worse since it would depend on the deck?
Posted By: Bbone37 (3/21/2014 8:06:50 AM)


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