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I didn't think I'd be using Trouble that often, but boy was I wrong. Playing control, they're usually just drawing a card or two turns one and two. (Think Twice, Thought Scour), so three mana for 7 to the face is really just mean. I've also killed a guy with Toil.
Posted By: TheMetaRidley (4/27/2013 7:25:33 PM)


A less color intensive Sign in Blood along with a cheaper Sudden Impact at sorcery speed. This is a brilliant design.

You can use Toil on yourself if you're in a bind and draw two cards, and Trouble is almost always a good kick in the life to an opponent, but when you use them together, you're doing a minimum of 4 damage. If they had any cards in their hand before that, the damage just increases. With 7 cards in an opponents' hand, if you Fuse this card with both halves targeting them, you will be dealing that player 11 damage with one card.

Admittedly it's 6 mana in two colors to do that, but considering both halves of it are useful by themselves in almost any situation, I would say this is a great card.
Posted By: MasterOfBearLore (4/23/2013 6:03:59 PM)


It's easy to forget that you don't need to target the same player with both halves of the card. Of course, that's what you'll usually do, but do remember that you can Sign in Blood yourself for card advantage and then Sudden Impact your opponent with this.
Posted By: Continue (4/23/2013 6:12:03 PM)


Looks alright. I liked sign in blood in mono black two-headed-giant decks. This is a bit more expensive but less demanding in matters of colors. How often the "trouble" part is worth it will be difficult to say.

Ideally, casting two of these in a row would be a game winner. Though that would also cost a huge amount of mana. If your opponent has two cards on hand, casting two of these in one turn on him would cause a total life loss of 12.
Posted By: majinara (4/25/2013 4:05:35 AM)


I can't wait to cast Toil on my opponent and flash in Notion Thief.
Posted By: K9GM3 (4/25/2013 2:08:10 PM)


I managed to hit my opponent for 11 damage with this spell once. I felt really bad about it because it meant he already wasn't getting the mana to play anything in his hand.

Most of the time I don't worry about Trouble unless I have extra mana, and just cast Toil on myself, but there are a few occasions I would want to fuse this.

Also, because of this card I'm going to start calling Turn // Burn "Fire Burn" and Far // Away "Cauldron Bubble"
Posted By: ToidiDiPuts (5/20/2013 11:54:11 AM)


This could go well in a Grixis-color mill deck. It would need work, but it could make for a sweet combo every now and again.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (4/27/2013 7:11:16 PM)


I had a great time in the prerelease with Orzhov and Rakdos. I killed a guy with both halves of this card and a Carnage Gladiator. Toil and Trouble took him down to one life, and he couldn't block anything without the Carnage Gladiator killing him. It was slightly risky because he had two mana open, but man was it fun. I was always happy to see Toil and Trouble in my hand.
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (4/30/2013 12:43:56 AM)


It's as if Cerebral Vortex got cut in two and went over to the Dark Side. A lot like Anakin Skywalker...
Posted By: Splizer (5/7/2013 5:06:41 AM)


Brewing a rakdos zombies standard with this, Blood Scrivener and the other good zombies ¹ ² ³. Hitting them with trouble on turn 3 when they usually have 6/7 cards in hand is awesome. You get a faster clock and make them think twice about drawing more cards and keeping them for a situation where they could use them optimally. For the late game you have Blood Scrivener out, and just get more cards from your Toil. You might even fuse them for maximum value.

tl;dr This card does a lot of damage in the early game and helps fuel your late game if there is any, and for the icing on the cake, it plays a mind game on your opponents.
Posted By: Lockwert (5/14/2013 5:37:28 AM)


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