Investigador trasgo
Community Rating:
Community Rating: 5 / 5  (0 votes)
Card Name:
Goblin Researcher
Mana Cost:
Mana Value:
Creature — Goblin Wizard
Card Text:
When this creature enters, exile the top card of your library. During any turn you attacked with this creature, you may play that card.
Flavor Text:
A Slonk le cayeron veintisiete rayos encima antes de que se le ocurriese una idea. Cuarenta y tres rayos más tarde, la perfeccionó.
3 / 3
All Sets:
Jumpstart 2022 (Common)
Jumpstart 2025 (Common)
Card Number:
12/2/2022 The card Goblin Researcher exiles is exiled face up.
12/2/2022 You can play the exiled card if Goblin Researcher attacked and is still in combat, has left combat, has left the battlefield, or even if combat is over.
12/2/2022 If you control more than one card named Goblin Researcher, each one's effect is independent from the other. Specifically, attacking with one will not allow you to play the card exiled by the other.
12/2/2022 Goblin Researcher's effect doesn't change when you can play the exiled card. For example, if you exile a sorcery card, you can cast it only during your main phase when the stack is empty.
12/2/2022 If you exile a land card with Goblin Researcher's enters-the-battlefield ability, you may play that land only if you have any available land plays. Normally, this means you can play the land only if you haven't played a land yet that turn.
12/2/2022 Casting an exiled card causes it to leave exile. You can't cast it multiple times.
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