5/5 just cause that art is LOL
Posted By:
(9/30/2010 3:11:24 AM)
Ah yes, but everyone is forgetting this is from Portal Three Kigndoms, and is therefore limited by its lack of horsemanship.
Posted By:
(8/18/2011 7:03:10 PM)
Not strange for being a red Soldier, strange for being a Barbarian Soldier.
Posted By:
(7/9/2010 4:27:20 AM)
warspike changeling is not strictly better, anything with a creature type protection will go straight past it while these guys can still block.
Posted By:
(8/19/2011 4:12:46 AM)
Hey look it's a Hill Giant. And a red soldier. Strange.
Posted By:
(7/5/2009 5:51:17 PM)
It's so frustrating that the Portal 3K cards are so limited and hard to get in the US or even in English for that matter!
Sound off if you want to see them made available somewhere other than MTGO for us US players!
Posted By:
(6/3/2011 1:23:36 AM)
Marching off to die in a battle with Hill Giant...
Posted By:
(10/29/2011 11:26:20 PM)