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Just run with Haakon, and you have infinite card filtering.
Posted By: Arglypuff (4/5/2010 7:31:26 PM)


Compare to Sea Gate Oracle.
Posted By: Blackworm_Bloodworm (10/15/2010 1:57:16 AM)


@Omniance: it's done like this for the limited game: if you play a deck with a splash of white you can cast it even if you don't draw any plains... it's the kind of flexibility that is so handy in limited, and in some unfortunated draw in constructed!

I like it very much, and even if Sea Gate Oracle doesn't require white, with the hussar you dig 3 cards...
Posted By: leomistico (4/27/2011 3:29:46 PM)


At first glance, I thought "man, this would be way better than Sea Gate Oracle for UW control!" Then I remembered Venser, the Sojourner. So yeah, never mind.

For those who don't see it at first, Venser, the Sojourner can repeatedly Flicker Sea Gate Oracle. This one would get sacced after the first time, since you're not paying W to play it when it comes back onto the board. Of course if you're running Sun Titan, that becomes pretty much moot, but exiling this guy, then killing him when he comes back, then resurrecting him and repeating the process ad infinitum just seems cruel.

Of course you can also completely break it with Vedalken Mastermind, but saying a permanent can be broken with him is like saying an artifact works well with Master Transmuter.
Posted By: Lyoncet (6/20/2011 8:02:44 PM)


@Omniance: This was part of a Dissension card cycle of creatures that had come-into-play effects but were sacked if they weren't played as multicolor cards, so the mechanic is intentional. Think of it as an early Lorwyn evoke variant. The cycle was for the guilds represented in Dissension (Azorius, Rakdos, Simic), and there was one creature on each side of the two colors. Azorius Herald is the other half of the Azorius cycle (white card, sack if you don't cast with blue). The other creatures in the cycle are Squealing Devil, Crypt Champion, Patagia Viper, and Plaxmanta.
Posted By: Mongoose22 (8/31/2010 1:15:51 AM)


Great library fixer. Incredible blocker early game and a poker as well. One of the best azorius creature.
Posted By: MarkJR (4/17/2009 12:35:48 AM)


Why didn't this just cost 1WhiteBlue? I mean, I guess you can cast it for the library/draw effect, but since color mattered so much in Ravnica, I'd rather he be multicolored.
Posted By: Omniance (10/18/2009 2:58:55 PM)


This card is great to help your Ethermage's Touches and Djinn of Wishes. If you can enchant it with things like Holy Strength, it forms a powerful attacker w/ Vigilance.
Posted By: Alqatrkapa (11/11/2009 5:51:12 AM)


May be worse than Sea Gate Oracle with Venser and pals, but in Commander it has a couple things going for it.

First, it digs one card deeper. (Duh)

Second, Sun Titan. This gets brought back by ol' sunny boy, sees no white being paid, and dies. And in your graveyard he'll wait patiently for your next turn to do it again. A silly and under-powered thing to do with a titan, but it works.

Of course, in commander, why not run both?
Posted By: Phaeoxen (11/23/2012 11:07:42 PM)


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