A great card on its own, but even more deadly in the simic guild. Even if your run out of counters from your graft creatures, Experiment Kraj can see to it that you always have a healthy supply. If you have spare mana, the Vigean Graftmage can be used to steal multiple creatures each turn. Lastly, with Shielding Plax you can make this card near invulnerable to cards that don't hit everything on the field.
Posted By:
(6/8/2009 11:47:29 AM)
Love playing these with Vigean Hydropon. As for Experiment Kraj and Vigean Graftmage, that just makes this a game-winner. Wish I had more than just 1.
Posted By:
(2/20/2010 1:48:58 PM)
Primal Cocoon will make sure she will keep getting bigger every turn.
Posted By:
(9/21/2010 9:12:50 AM)
I put this in my elf deck along with Freed From the Real and Immaculate Magistrate, Bramblewood Paragon...and Cephalid Constable via mana generation ;) /ducks
Posted By:
(3/10/2010 11:00:00 PM)
I like Diplomatic Immunity and/or Darksteel Plate for protection.
Remember spikes from the Tempest block? Like Spike Colony? They have interesting uses with this thing. Basically anything does that can give an opponent's creature a +1/+1 counter, which normally would be looked upon as a drawback e.g. Erithizon. Fun combo card here.
Posted By:
(8/8/2011 3:32:03 AM)
best art ever 5/5
Posted By:
(9/4/2011 7:52:33 AM)
Sheltering Ancient with this makes for good synergy and powerful creatures that you gain control of.
Posted By:
(10/1/2009 6:51:21 PM)
Did anyone say Gilder Bairn?
Posted By:
(9/15/2010 4:56:00 PM)
Magnificent card. Most control spells require that you wait until turn five or six before being able to steal one creature. The Manipulator can do it turn after turn after turn, forcing the opponent's entire army to your side, granted that you have plenty of graft creatures in play. As for removal threat; counter spell cards and Privileged Position are always good ways to keep that from happening, so that your opponent can only watch in horror as all of his creatures get stolen from him.
Posted By:
(6/15/2009 4:18:18 PM)
It's technicly simic, but it's strategy itsn't, more anti-simic. Well, it does work well with other simic cards, but only if you play in a non-simic way to suit it. Yeah you all know that, but still. I need a simic deck all based on this, I need 4. On it's own it goes well U/B, or
Posted By:
(7/9/2010 11:18:21 PM)