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Community Rating: 4.071 / 5  (84 votes)
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I went to buy two of these at my local store. When I got there it turned out they only had one in store so I bought it. Then I bought a couple of boosters and got a foil version! Later my friend got one and I traded it. It's a really awesome card that fit's very nicely into my simic deck. It's a combo card that's really affective against pretty much any deck with creatures in it. In the right deck it's a 5/5. :D
Posted By: Sandro95 (6/17/2011 2:08:40 PM)


In a strange sealed I made with a friend, he opened 2xRavnica and 4xDissension and build a heavy Graft deck, but the one that played the manipulator was me... Every time that I played this one he was in such amount of trouble that the trouble-o-sense exploded! Until once he dropped Simic Guilmage...

Beside this, I like this card very much! A repeteable source of creature stealing is worth a casting cost of 2BlueBlue! This card doesn't even need a deck dedicated to it: actually even "normal" cards like Vigean Hydropon or Dragon Blood (or to remain in-guild, Evolution Vat...) do the job quite well...

Posted By: leomistico (10/24/2011 3:33:04 AM)


One of the two reasons you would want to Otherworldly Journey your opponents' creatures. The other being Sundial of the Infinite...
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (6/10/2012 7:52:19 AM)


Great art!

Most of the time, this card just prevents your opponent from casting any creatures until she's removed. However, she really shines when their also running creatures that generate +1/+1 counters.
Posted By: alzabo (5/23/2013 5:26:33 AM)


Play with Blessings of Nature and Freed from the Real/Pemmin's Aura.
Posted By: Lord_of_Gelectrodes (8/5/2013 5:31:52 PM)


Don't forget, graft also triggers when your opponent's creature enters the battlefield.
Posted By: Petertracy (11/20/2013 3:30:27 AM)


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