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Community Rating: 4.344 / 5  (48 votes)
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Every so often a card gets reprinted with just enough support in its standard meta to run roughshod on the game. This is one such card. The presence of Seething Song, Rite of Flame, Bogardan Hellkite and Hunted Dragon made this card monstrous, and some decks even ran Gigadrowse to tap the opponent out and make them helpless against the onslaught. There are even som turn 0 kills on record. A shining example of how the right environment can make for some extremely powerful combos, no matter how Timmy-ish they may appear.
Posted By: Equinox523 (4/29/2009 2:24:21 PM)


One of the Timmiest combo decks to ever wreck standard. Enjoyed a turn 4 win with Lotus Bloom and Bogardan Hellkite.
Posted By: bark_at_the_moonn (11/16/2008 11:18:13 AM)


Best win against D-storm ever:
Recent local ext. tourny
D-storm vs W/B discard/control in swiss:
Game 1: W/B goes first, Swamp + Thoughsiezes a Dragonstorm, D-storm cant draw another, loses a few turns later.
Game 2: D-storm goes first, plays mountain ends turn. W/B plays Caves of Kailos and ends, D-storm draws, pumps fists and plays 3 Rite of Flames and a Seething Song, W/B casts Silence, D-storm concedes.
Posted By: Mirvana (12/4/2009 7:00:38 PM)


this card needs ruby medallion to make it a 7 cost sorcery.
Posted By: ttian (3/21/2009 8:05:43 PM)


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