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Cloudskate in reverse.
Posted By: HairlessThoctar (3/4/2010 10:27:37 AM)


I'm surprised no one thought to combo it with momentary blink to do an old capsize through back.
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/22/2010 11:04:22 PM)


I don't know what it is about this guy, but it's much more useful than it seems on paper. Early on, it's not too hard to invest a couple mana in; three turns later, after your opponent and possibly even you have forgotten about it, boom, haste-having flier AND (more usefully) you get to bounce something to either make them waste mana replaying it or clear the way for your ground troops. Lategame, when mana is less tight, you can hardcast it as a sorcery-speed Boomerang with a free flier. Between this and Skyreach Manta, I love flying devilfish.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (8/28/2010 8:50:47 PM)


Not only is this a clever inversion of Cloudskate, but as a card itself, it isn't half bad. The suspend cost and time aren't too bad, and hardcasting it is only one more than Mist Raven for an upgrade to full on Boomerang status. The high cost might be daunting, but this is a rather versatile card in a very heavily supported tribe. I see no reason not to love it.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (8/25/2012 3:12:33 PM)


I was about to hit the random card button again, but dang that art made me stay.
2/2 flying for 1Blue that bounces a permanent. You just got to wait a couple of turns for your investment to blossom.

Also combos with Cloudshift quite nicely.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/9/2012 10:58:35 AM)


Nearly every card in Time Spiral was a throwback to at least one previously printed card.

This card references Cloudskate except in reverse (Suspend 3 vs Fading 3).
Posted By: Missile_Penguin (7/10/2013 12:54:46 PM)


lovin' the art. @ hairless thoctar Neat observation!
Posted By: Swordfishtrombones (8/26/2010 1:06:28 AM)


Use this with erratic explosion
Posted By: Buderus (9/9/2012 2:23:37 PM)


This guy follows up nicely with a Followed Footsteps on turn 5. Or if you've been mana ramping/cost reducing, you could slap down a Rite of Replication once he comes into play.
Posted By: MacBizzle (1/20/2014 11:42:35 AM)


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