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You can't say it is strictly worse, giant growth can't give +4/+4
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/22/2010 10:14:42 PM)


I like the reference to the Alpha art for Giant Growth :)
Posted By: DacenOctavio (12/13/2010 1:07:50 AM)


This isn't strictly better or worse than any of the other growths, it' s just it's own flavor :) Fun card with a simple condition.
Posted By: Wynzerman (7/28/2011 2:25:56 AM)


Might of Old Krosa is awesome. I've seen so many crazy 2nd and 3rd turn swings made with this, and quite a few games won with this too.

It's hard to compare Giant Growth and Might of Old Krosa. They do pretty similar things, but fulfill two different roles. Might of Old Krosa is incredible when you're playing a very aggressive deck, but Giant Growth is better if your deck is a bit slower, and you want to be able to protect your creatures from bolts and kill creatures with combat tricks. Having both available, though, is no bad idea at all.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (11/22/2010 11:08:09 AM)


Pair this with giant growth. See what happens for Green+Green.
Posted By: Spideredd (2/8/2010 6:43:33 AM)


I really hate people who use the phrase strictly better/worse. That is saying that there are no situations where Card A would be better/worse than Card B. Shame on you. Some cards, you have to find really tight corner cases for. But this? there are tons of situations where I'd rather have this than giant growth.
Posted By: PolskiSuzeren (5/19/2010 2:40:04 PM)


Watch me use this right: Strictly better than Monstrous Growth.
Posted By: ClockworkSwordfish (10/29/2010 6:18:35 PM)


@bijart_dauth: You don't need another card in your hand to cast this during your main phase. What are you talking about? This can be cast as a 1-mana +4/+4 sorcery or a 1-mana +4/+4 instant. Monstrous Growth can be used as a 2-mana +4/+4 sorcery, meaning it's both less efficient and less versatile. In other words, yes this is strictly better.
Posted By: Fanaticmogg (1/31/2011 10:16:33 PM)


You trade the surprise that giant growth has for +1/+1... hmm prolly good in limited? but otherwise lets people play around it easier
Posted By: Omenchild (12/23/2009 3:01:15 PM)


Every card in Time Spiral was a throwback to at least one previously printed card.

This card references green's multitude of Monstrous Growth and Giant Growth effects, and is part of a cycle of instants with more powerful effects if played like sorceries (Haunting Hymn, Careful Consideration, Might of Old Krosa, Return to Dust, Sulfurous Blast)

Krosa is a forest on the island of Otaria, the setting for the Odyssey and Onslaught blocks.
Posted By: Missile_Penguin (7/9/2013 10:34:10 AM)


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